Why do western women provide half or less the level of service for the same price or more of Korean studio agencies?

I am kinda new to the game here in the metroplex. I've been with one western independent, two native Koreans and a mixed race one. The two native Koreans gave me superb service, the other two gave less than ideal service.

Its not like Korea is some 3rd world shit hole where they NEED the money. But from what I've read, even the Latinas that come to America don't provide as good of service as Asians from Asia who come here.

Why is this? Is it some sort of entitlement culture that is prevalent in the west?
FatCity's Avatar
Why is this? Is it some sort of entitlement culture that is prevalent in the west? Originally Posted by bigdickbigmoney
try dating regular western women and see what you find

Get raised abroad and see how 'gender neutral' they are.

When women (delude themselves that they can) assume masculine roles, it poisons their femininity. They want it all with zero accountability. Western women are self-absorbed, selfish, entitled, irrational juveniles on their GOOD DAYS......

Your third worlders are at least raised in traditional roles of women fulfilling certain duties and the man leads and is responsible for everything....(granted Western men leave a LOT to be desired) so they fit this 'service' job well
Early_Cuyler35's Avatar
Simple, because you accept it.
How about almost all the Asian women are under the thumb of PIMPS and traficaiers and are forced to work or get sent home or worse? There are exceptions of course, but if you think the gals at the AMPS are independent, you have drank the coolaid. If denial helps you sleep better, go for it.
Busty's Avatar
  • Busty
  • 07-02-2023, 08:50 PM
How about almost all the Asian women are under the thumb of PIMPS and traficaiers and are forced to work or get sent home or worse? There are exceptions of course, but if you think the gals at the AMPS are independent, you have drank the coolaid. If denial helps you sleep better, go for it. Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
^My exact thoughts
TAZ's Avatar
  • TAZ
  • 07-03-2023, 08:29 AM
Not really true.
I lived with an AMP owner (somewhat of a legend I might say) for six years and saw first hand the operational side of the DFW AMP's
The vast majority...say 20-30 of them were run by one or two owners and the gals had to wait in line to work.
Not a whole lot of recruiting at that time as it was in the "hey day"of Dallas AMPS.
Having said that, recruitung the 10"s could be difficult but no more difficult than finding the best sales people out there and convincing them to work for you.Recruiting trips to the west coast were very fun to say the least!
Sure there is trafficing but it is not what the medica would like it to be as far as a percentages.
pmdelites's Avatar
"Why do western women provide half or less the level of service for the same price or more of Korean studio agencies?"

because, as walter cronkite used to say, "that's the way it is, Dallas TX 2023"

every provider has the right to provide what she wants, to whom she wants, when she wants, and for how much she wants.
every client has the right to ask for what he wants, from whom he wants, when he wants it, and for how much he's willing to pay.

just find one you like, whose fee you can rationalize, and then have some delites.

(* obviously, the "wants" part doesnt totally apply to providers who are trafficked and/or controlled by others)
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
That's easy.

The independent providers have white knights who will rationalize their subpar performance and along with the providers, twist it to where it's the hobbyist's fault that she did not perform well, no call no showed, etc.

When it comes to studio girls, they have to perform because if there are any negative reviews, then guys will not come and the money will not flow to the appointment setter or mamasan like it should. Then when that becomes the case, it's time to get new girls and fire the ones that do not perform.

The Asian girls will always perform above average because they know how to treat a man while a good majority of a Western girls who are independent providers are ball busting, man hating go through the motions dead lays or it's all about them in a session with their upsells and thinking that just because the client got off she did everything well.
hookem69horns's Avatar
This hobby is just liking going to Vegas and playing Blackjack. The experiences you get from playing a $2.00 table downtown vs Cesar’s or the Venetian are vastly different. As are those at the $25.00 table, or $100.00 table or in the VIP Room. You get the experience you pay for, at the tables and in the hobby.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
This hobby is just liking going to Vegas and playing Blackjack. The experiences you get from playing a $2.00 table downtown vs Cesar’s or the Venetian are vastly different. As are those at the $25.00 table, or $100.00 table or in the VIP Room. You get the experience you pay for, at the tables and in the hobby. Originally Posted by hookem69horns
So what you are saying is that if you pay more, you're going to get a better experience? If so, I totally disagree. There have been plenty of times where I have paid less and received more and vice versa.

The hobby is a luxury no matter what you pay, therefore, the experience you receive should also be a luxury. Now what I do agree with you on is, since history indicates that even though you pay for the same experience, the encounters are YMMV, depending upon the mood or whatever else factor of the provider, so you are right, the hobby is a gamble, but it should not be. YMMV experiences are what you would normally get in the real world due to the fact that you are not paying cash upfront nor are the ladies advertising services they are rendering for that cash.

Just think if you pulled the same crap the providers pulled whenever it came time to pay saying that the ATM was YMMV and shorted her $100 on her donation. Do you think that you would have any providers stand up for you like guys stand up for providers who give crappy service?
Ralph Fults's Avatar
So what you are saying is that if you pay more, you're going to get a better experience? If so, I totally disagree. There have been plenty of times where I have paid less and received more and vice versa.

The hobby is a luxury no matter what you pay, therefore, the experience you receive should also be a luxury. Now what I do agree with you on is, since history indicates that even though you pay for the same experience, the encounters are YMMV, depending upon the mood or whatever else factor of the provider, so you are right, the hobby is a gamble, but it should not be. YMMV experiences are what you would normally get in the real world due to the fact that you are not paying cash upfront nor are the ladies advertising services they are rendering for that cash.

Just think if you pulled the same crap the providers pulled whenever it came time to pay saying that the ATM was YMMV and shorted her $100 on her donation. Do you think that you would have any providers stand up for you like guys stand up for providers who give crappy service? Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
Wile is right on. In my experience, I have not found any correlation between money spent and experiences received.
FatCity's Avatar
Wile is right on. In my experience, I have not found any correlation between money spent and experiences received. Originally Posted by Ralph Fults
From experience, this is totally true.
Ive been flush at times giving $$$$$$$$$$ on girls requesting $$$ and prolly got worse service.
I, on the other hand, found a direct corolation between experience and price. I have had great experiences over the years in a wide price range. But vertually all my poor experiences have been at the lower end of the price scale. When I don't follow my ownrules and decide to go cheap, there is a very high chance I will get what I paid for.. Cheep.

When I do decide on the rare occasion to go outside my normal price range, there are very specific things I am wanting. A certian look, educatied, experienced in that price range, not someone who just rasied her rates. Someone who knows the difference between fucking and givng an erotic experience.

You get what you pay for,you just have to understand and know what your buying. There is a gal I have known for years. We interact in person as well as social media. She has been $1000 hour gal for years. And it shows in so mnay ways. There is just some suptle difference between her and other providers. She is a true companion, not a hooker. I am getting close to doing it. It's just hard to spend that kind of money.

Guys who reguarly spend in that price range have a different set of desires and needs. They can afford the best so thats what they buy. Guys that are splerging are far less likely to get their moneys worth by going outstide their normal range because they don't see the diference in one hole over another.

My advice is stay in the range you are comfortable in. Someone who drinks $20 wine will not truely appriciate a $500 bottle. Same wiht escorts.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Everyone knows that donation price rarely if ever dictates service level, but the topic is the comparison between Western ladies and Asian ladies as far as price and service goes. It is not the difference between girls who are from the same area that charge different prices for the same service, there is a huge difference. Only those who have experienced both the Western and the Eastern girls are eligible to make that comparison.

Of course, there are exceptions to everything, but to make a general statement, the ladies who are at Asian massage parlors and studios have a much superior level of service compared to an independent provider. Not to mention, the donation prices are less as well. There are probably many reasons for that. My opinion is that the Eastern girls were raised to take care of a man and make sure that they are satisfied, both in the bedroom and out. The ladies who were brought up here have had countless hours of people telling them that it is okay to be wishy-washy and not to worry because there will always be another John to pay the exorbitant prices for lackadaisical service. And it does not help when you have guys on here who play WK making excuses for the providers who give bad service. If I had a dollar for every time I have read in a review that she was having an off day or something of that effect, I would be a multi-millionaire. I do not believe that I have ever read a review or Intel on an Asian massage parlor or studio where one of the ladies is having a bad day.
From experience, this is totally true.
Ive been flush at times giving $$$$$$$$$$ on girls requesting $$$ and prolly got worse service. Originally Posted by FatCity
Giving more to a gal than her asking price is almost a certan way to not get what your paying for. Why would one think paying double is going to get them twice the expereince? That is NOT the same as hiring a HDH.

I find a big difference between American women of Asian decent v one not from the US. Those not from the US are far more likley to not be working on their own. Many, if not most, especialy AMPs are cohersed. Of course they give great service at low prices. If they don't they risk all sorts of repercussions. They keep very little of the money of their managers can offer them at lower prices.

Many could care less about the womenas long as they get what they want. Others do