Its ok to kill a hooker if she does not provide for you in Texas

Gotyour6's Avatar
A jury in Bexar County, Texas just acquitted Ezekiel Gilbert of charges that he murdered a 23-year-old Craigslist escort—agreeing that because he was attempting to retrieve the $150 he'd paid to Frago, who wouldn't have sex with him, his actions were justified.

Gilbert had admitted to shooting Lenora Ivie Frago in the neck on Christmas Eve 2009, when she accepted $150 from Gilbert and left his home without having sex with him. Frago, who was paralyzed by the shooting, died several months later.

Gilbert's defense argued that the shooting wasn't meant to kill, and that Gilbert's actions were justified, because he believed that sex was included as part of the fee. Texas law allows people "to use deadly force to recover property during a nighttime theft."

The 30-year-old hugged his defense attorneys after the "not guilty" verdict was read by the judge. If convicted, he could have faced life in prison. He thanked God, his lawyers, and the jury for being able to "see what wasn't the truth."
Its not ok, but had she not been trying to scam him, perhaps things would have gone differently. She cashed and dashed on the wrong one.
And the dehumanizing of sex workers continues. Guaranteed he would not have gotten away with shooting or killing anyone else he hired to come to his home and provide whatever service because he was unsatisfied with the results.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
And the dehumanizing of sex workers continues. Guaranteed he would not have gotten away with shooting or killing anyone else he hired to come to his home and provide whatever service because he was unsatisfied with the results. Originally Posted by Mssppislm
Yep. Marginalizing humans because of their occupation is such a great way to justify murder. And what type of monster is going to kill another person for $150?

Alright. I know the answer to that question but this topic is really awful.

Thanks for sharing. Overall, it's just damn sad.
This is terrible. I believe both sides are wrong but the punishment for both parties are on polar extremes; too heavy and too light.

The woman should not have dashed, but $150 is not worth her losing her life over. The client had every right to be upset, but not enough to take a person's life. It was still murder, and for that, he should have gotten some sort of fine/penalty.

Hopefully the lady's family sues him in civil court. He does not need to be proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt there and although it won'y bring their loved one back, he should pay some sort of penalty for taking the life of another.

What is america coming to when people actually agree that is is okay to kill someone for a little over $100....
Would the verdict have been the same if he had had sex her and then he refused to pay so in response she shot and killed him? More than likely the stigma of being a "prostitute" would have worked against her. She would have been painted as a money hungry deviant who deserved what she got and she would be facing a life sentence in prison right now...

I love this hobby and am truly appreciative of every date that I have however, in society the negative stigma of this hobby will always be placed more heavily upon us ladies. When we get caught, we go to jail, when they get caught, they get sent home to their families, a "victim of circumstance"...(this is not a catch all scenario mind you, just an example)
LaStang's Avatar
i think the OP by posting this just wanted to bring to light the dangers in this hobby . This year has definately been the worse year i've seen so far for cash and dash , scams , robberies , and rip offs . its amazing things like this doesnt happen more often as the economy tightens and people get more concerned about money matters .

Stay safe out there on both sides ! if you act honestly , things like this will never be an issue .
Grace Preston's Avatar
Just a basic point of law but... since when is a contract for an illegal service enforceable? He basically went off the premise that he fulfilled his side of the contract and she did not... hence his action.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Just a basic point of law but... since when is a contract for an illegal service enforceable? He basically went off the premise that he fulfilled his side of the contract and she did not... hence his action. Originally Posted by GracePreston
That's right! The whole "clean hands" argument.

Nice banner, by the way!
Just a basic point of law but... since when is a contract for an illegal service enforceable? He basically went off the premise that he fulfilled his side of the contract and she did not... hence his action. Originally Posted by GracePreston
The fact that she was leaving with his money, at night, the courts interpreted as robbery.. Which it was if she took his money and gave him nothing in return. If she had been a junkie or purses snatcher, or had robbed his house as a burglar for that same $150, we would not be having this conversation.
dammit....i was heading here to post that link.

Well said Luxury Daphne. The end result is simply the literal application of the law disregarding all extraneous factors.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That was totally wrong, no matter how the judge and jury want to slice it or justify it.

Anyone who needs to resort to violence because of something so petty as a $150 wrong should be behind bars.

. . . This is not how a civilized society is supposed to operate at least in not in this country and not in this century.

What was the demographic of this fucked up jury.
waverunner234's Avatar
Everyone is at fault here but the biggest loser at fault is the state of texas with their idiot laws.
universalenergy's Avatar
Everyone is at fault here but the biggest loser at fault is the state of texas with their idiot laws. Originally Posted by waverunner234
I have lived in California and you have to be an idiot to make a comment about Texas State laws. A thief and pimp life is not worth a plugged nickle in Texas.
Maybe it was trash day.
damn that shit sucks..i dont fuck with craigslist or bp no more. too many girls just trying to screw you over. im sticking wit eccie for a while!

i cant lie though..i have slapped a hoe once for taking m money and not doing what she was supposed to ;(. but i aint killing no one