Airport Hobbies?

I just arrived at Houston Airport. I am waiting at gate 25 for my flight to Atlanta, sipping a Dasani water, people watching, reading this site trying to killing an hour and a half layover. Then I see her. She is definately hot enough to be a provider and she is dressed like she may be working. Oh yeah. I think you know what I'm talking about.

And that is the end of that story because...I didnt have any more info to go on. And i wouldn't dare approach her in this day and age of "online" introductions, communication, and verification. I don't know if i would now how in person. Lol.

So, I thought hmmm, maybe i could use my "enhanced" or "augmented" female communication interface (ECCIE) to see if there were any providers currently traveling through houston airport that wanted to get together for a drink and maybe a quick romp in the family restroom. LOL. Ok so i'm not joking. Any takers?

Maybe i've missed the thread or maybe providers and business travelers want ti be left alone in the airports, but I think it would be mutually beneficial to have an "Airport Thread" to facilitate fun get togethers or maybe tell crazy stories of airport and traveling encounters.

Anyway, I digress, anyone in Houston george Bush International? Have a safe flight.
Always best to never approach in public, especially in an airport. Whether you know them or not.

Now, if she is civilian and you start up a convo with an attractive young lady, that would be fair game. But, never assume they are pros based on how they are dressed or look.....too many cameras and eyes to play in an airport nowadays anyway.
dreamvacationdates's Avatar
You need to get a life, if everytime you see a attractive woman and thinks she's a pro then you're spending way too much time doing this. I
also don't think any smart woman who was a provider would even give you the time of day if you approached them in the airport.
There's nothing wrong with striking up a conversation but as soulmanmike said, don't assume anything because of the way they look or are dressed. she may call airport security on you.
maybe a quick romp in the family restroom. LOL. Originally Posted by FRecon
Your best bet is to go to an airline's private club. They have meeting rooms in there that you could use. Much better than a bathroom. If you aren't a member, no worries, they have daily memberships for around 50.00 or 75.00.
Point is: Many providers and players frequently travel and spend alot of time in airports. The beautiful women was a reminder of my favorite hobby. Not that i assume all beautiful sexy women are providers.

If this forum was all about playing pokeman cards, and i was bored in an airport waiting for a flight, it might be fun to used that time who has a similar interest and may play a game of cards if time and opportunity permits.

I agree never aporoach in public. Thats why it might be fun to use ECCIE to meet in airports for those that spend alot of time there. Just sayin.
Clouddancer's Avatar
That's why you should know the super secret provider/hobbyist signals. Then you could easily hook-up for a quickie between flights.

First, you must get her attention. Stand straight, place left hand on hip, palm facing outward. Walk briskly, stepping heel in front of toe, toward the gate check desk. Turn around by placing the right toe behind you and spin quickly.
Now that you have her attention, place your left hand across your mouth and move downward as if you are stroking a beard. If you have a beard stroke it. Do this 3 or 4 times.
Next, with you right hand, reach into your pocket and start playing with your junk.
Finally, be sure to look straight at her and give her the sure-fire fish face look.

Now, if none of this works, don't worry, there is an added benefit. Nobody is going to sit next to you on your flight, so you will have more room for yourself.
speeedracer's Avatar
That's why you should know the super secret provider/hobbyist signals. Then you could easily hook-up for a quickie between flights.

First, you must get her attention. Stand straight, place left hand on hip, palm facing outward. Walk briskly, stepping heel in front of toe, toward the gate check desk. Turn around by placing the right toe behind you and spin quickly.
Now that you have her attention, place your left hand across your mouth and move downward as if you are stroking a beard. If you have a beard stroke it. Do this 3 or 4 times.
Next, with you right hand, reach into your pocket and start playing with your junk.
Finally, be sure to look straight at her and give her the sure-fire fish face look.

Now, if none of this works, don't worry, there is an added benefit. Nobody is going to sit next to you on your flight, so you will have more room for yourself. Originally Posted by Clouddancer

That's why you should know the super secret provider/hobbyist signals. Then you could easily hook-up for a quickie between flights.

First, you must get her attention. Stand straight, place left hand on hip, palm facing outward. Walk briskly, stepping heel in front of toe, toward the gate check desk. Turn around by placing the right toe behind you and spin quickly.
Now that you have her attention, place your left hand across your mouth and move downward as if you are stroking a beard. If you have a beard stroke it. Do this 3 or 4 times.
Next, with you right hand, reach into your pocket and start playing with your junk.
Finally, be sure to look straight at her and give her the sure-fire fish face look.

Now, if none of this works, don't worry, there is an added benefit. Nobody is going to sit next to you on your flight, so you will have more room for yourself. Originally Posted by Clouddancer
Fucking hilarious!
ICU 812's Avatar
Think about it: In the old days before we had e-anything, the only way to hook up was to do a verbal dance around wether or not some woman was available. There was even an ad for a hair dye that said oes she or doesn't she?"

Thankfully, we now have ECCIE and any number of other web based escort information sites. If you are stuck at an airport and want to play, get online and see if there is anyone out there. Probably nogt is my guess . . .unless there is a weather related mass delay. Then someone provider who is also stuck there might pop up on line.
Gotyour6's Avatar
Stay classy
lookingood's Avatar
I been sitting at the airport trying to get out of California for an hour now and let me tell you wearing my hooker shirt doesn't help either......Class gets ass I guess.....

awl4knot's Avatar
This is somewhat related. A few years ago I was traveling west, either Cali or Colo, and I knew I would have a delay in Dallas. I made arrangements with an Austin provider who booked a hotel near the DFW. I checked most of my bags through to my destination but I checked an insulated hamper filled with a gourmet lunch and wine only to DFW. When I arrived I picked up the hamper and took a cab to the hotel. My friend and I played for three wonderful hours and had a great party.

When it was time to leave we both showered and changed and she drove me to the terminal to catch my plane. She then went on an out call with one of her Dallas regulars, making the trip reasonably profitable.

It required a lot of planning but It was certainly my most literal and best layover.
ICU 812's Avatar
Sounds a little like that movie with George Cluny
yogi692's Avatar
Glad to see that I am not the only traveler with the airport fantasy thing. The hard fast hook up at the airport, how awesome would that be....if you could snag a stewardess that would be that much better.
whitechocolate's Avatar
I have found that ECCIE baggage tags on my carryons seem to do the TRICK