
morgan41's Avatar
Just joined site and attempted to make appointment with provider..until question of references...offered whatever but have ni idea of what is appropriate when the request is for other providers to
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 07-16-2013, 09:41 PM
Generally the point of the reference is for ladies who already know you to pass information to the "new" lady you want to see that you are safe, sane, not a time waster, etc.

To do that
1) you obviously need to have made a good impression on the ladies you have already seen
2) you have to be rememberable
3) it's best to have already confirmed that the previous ladies are willing to give references for you

How you behave is clearly the biggest thing you can do to help yourself, but doing something to be remembered by is also good. That could be showing up in a Batman costume, but a better way is probably a creative (not necessarily expensive) gift. I gave a lady a unique necklace many years ago--she still remembers me as "the cute necklace guy".

Lastly, don't assume all ladies give references. ASK them before you pass their name/contact info to the new lady. First it's the polite thing to do, but equally important it helps jog the memory of the previous lady--just in case your memorable date with her isn't quite as memorable for her as it was for you.


Additionally, consider joining P411, Date-Check, etc.
speeedracer's Avatar
simply put, you're in a little bit of a catch-22. you can't see providers until you get references, and you can't get references until you meet up with a provider.

sadly, a lot of the more desirable providers require multiple references, so you'll have to find a few providers who're newbie friendly to build up reputation. good luck!
Join P411
You need to find a REPUTABLE newbie friendly lady to be screened by and to be a good reference for you. Most likely she will introduce you to P411, and be your first Okay. P411 - Okays = same problem he's having now.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Providers asking for references from a newbie is like an employer asking an intern for job experience.

Find Newbie Friendly girls and make a good impression. After you have a few under your belt you can move on to the bigger hooktards.
joesmo888's Avatar
as others have said find a newbie friendly provider who will still screen you but it will be minimal enough for you to pass. tell her straight up you are a newb and have no references but will be happy to provide her anything she needs. plus it helps that you are a member on eccie. build up more of a rep on here, you have 1 post only. comment on reviews in your area, sign up for a membership here and tell her you are a paying member. that goes a long way.

once you build up a rep with a couple newbie friendly providers that you meet promise to put up reviews on them and ask them after your session if they would mind referring you to P411 and you go from there .. its like building up credit.. be generous to them.. be a gentleman and tip them well and it will be easy
I had to give my place of employment and name up for my first one but I did ALOT of research on the lady first. It was funny cause when I got there, we talked and both of us had done the exact same thing about me. LOL
AJmustang's Avatar
I had the same questions. Thanks for the info!