Full Moon Crazy...

MrThom's Avatar
Is it real?
I have seen examples of this all my life, or mabee I just know some bat shit crazy folks.
Yesterday for me, was a surreal day. I was lied to, and about. I had a really good time with friends ( guys and girls). It was a fun flirty time.
I then saw one of my favorite folks in the world, who scared the living shit out of me, followed by a provider blowing up my phone , with a rambling message of DNS.
Throw in some BSC family stuff and the Lunar Eclipse.
Today I was left alone by a friend, made friends of an former foe, and got sexted out of the blue. The casino just paid a number of bills, and dinner is being delivered.
WTF is going on?
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Perhaps you lead the existence of a poet ... all lovers and poets experience dramatics.

The full moon just amplifies emotion. I've seen it, too.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
"There are nights when the wolves are silent and only the moon howls." - Carlin
MrThom's Avatar
Perhaps you're right Elisabeth and UC. It seems to get wild around this time of the year for me.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
... It seems to get wild around this time of the year for me. Originally Posted by MrThom
It's springtime. Finally.

And the sap is rising in all living things!

I'm feeling a bit poetic myself this evening.
Sounds like an exciting day. ��
Full moons definitely amplifies energy. But then again I do live in a city of coo coos.