Time to retire!

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 03-02-2011, 02:14 PM
Well gang, the time has come for me to take the moderator shingle down and retire. I am retiring because my personal life is getting so busy (all good things) I simply don’t have the time to spend on ECCIE I feel is necessary to do the job properly. I am however, still available ladies….LOL!!!!
I was on the ASPD staff for over 8 years and now here at ECCIE for couple of more. At some time or another I have been a moderator, and admin and part of the support group. I am pretty sure that other than Chris (he doesn’t count now that he is a “suit”….LOL!) I have been doing this longer than anyone on ASPD/ERAPS or ECCIE! I think it’s time to pass the reins over to someone else.
I leave knowing the Kansas City and St. Louis forums are in very good hands. I have the utmost confidence in Lacrew2000 and CaptainKaos. In addition to being really nice guys, both of them have shown the sound judgment, integrity and passion needed to be great moderators. I have no doubt they will continue to help the KC and St. Louis communities grow. Please show them the respect and support you have honored me with over the years.
FYI…..KC is ranks in the Top-10 (#6….I think) most active boards on ECCIE. That is a testament to the great people we have here in the KC, Topeka and Wichita areas. Of course to me the KC/Topeka/Wichita board is #1!!!!
Although I am leaving the staff I will still be checking the board from time to time to make sure you are all behaving and most importantly, having fun.
My last “official” day will be Friday. After that I will no longer be the “Kind and Gentle Servant”, I will just be Bubba!!!
Keep Smiling!
deepDARKdesires's Avatar
Bubba, we are going to miss You, enjoy "your retirement".
nsafun05's Avatar
Hey Bubba, thanks for doing such a great job these past few years. I've moderated forums in the past and I know it's not an easy job when there are several different personalities in the forums that often clash. Your "retirement" is well deserved and I'm glad to hear that you'll be checking in from time to time.
ScubaBad's Avatar
Bubba, Thank you and good luck. You will be missed.
Andrea Davis's Avatar
Best of Luck to you Bubba! Eccie won't be the same without you!
Sens55's Avatar
'bout fucking time...Just kidding. Shit I wasted all this time kissing yours and O's asses to keep fromgetting points and now I've gotta start all over again with Lacrew & Capn...damn!

Seriously though. Enjoy the greener pastures. Hope you won't be a stranger.
Redwolf's Avatar
Thanks, Bubba, for your kind and gentle service.
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Bubba, thanks for your help and advice. You've made these communities great.
Longermonger's Avatar
Oh noe...another "I'm leaving but I'll still be here" thread.

Somebody had to say it.
Heywood's Avatar
Bubba, really appreciate your work here and on ASPD. You kept a sometimes rowdy crowd under control and made this one of the better sites. Best of luck.
TiffanyKC's Avatar
Aww! Bubba, you have been so much help! I greatly appreciate everything you have done. Sad to see you leave
Thanks for being there for us Bubba... here and on ASPD. You're well appreciated!!
Olabid's Avatar
Thanks for the hard work and good judgement you've shown in service to this board. Hope whatever you choose to do in the future works out for you!
Reddd's Avatar
  • Reddd
  • 03-03-2011, 08:23 AM
Your time and effort "herding cats" both here and on ASPD is greatly appreciated. I don't know how or even if you were compensated but I'm sure it wasn't enough. Wishing you all the best - Take Care.
I'm going to miss you. You & Omahan were the best. You have a great sense of humor & I hope you will still be around even if it's not in the form of a mod.