New York and DC complaining about illegal migrants

HedonistForever's Avatar
Both New York and DC are complaining that "migrants" are over whelming their social services capacity.

Damn, who could have seen that coming? So, while these people in NY and DC don't give a hoot about border towns dealing with this, they sure seem to care when the chickens come home to roost in their neighborhood, huh?

For months, migrants have been bused into Washington, D.C., from Texas and Arizona, but aid groups say there are not enough resources available.
Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott began chartering buses to send migrants to D.C. and other so-called "sanctuary cities" earlier this year.

At first, a few buses of migrants arrived to the nation's capital each week.
"A very good idea," Experanza, a migrant from Colombia said via an interpretor about being bussed from Texas to D.C.
She arrived back in May, when there were more volunteers and resources available

But now, advocates say the city's resources are nearly depleted.

“We’re getting up to sometimes four buses with about 40 people each – that’s per day. The need has outstripped our capacity to respond to it," said Abel Nuņez, executive director of the Central American Resource Center.[/COLOR]
Border crisis hits NYC: Adams calls on Biden as shelters overrun with migrants

New York City’s homeless shelters are being overrun with asylum-seeking migrants as the nation’s immigration crisis continues to worsen — with nearly 3,000 arriving in recent weeks, Mayor Eric Adams warned Tuesday.Adams called on President Biden to send “additional federal resources immediately” so the city can handle the overflow.

“If we do not get these urgently needed resources, we may struggle to provide the proper level of support our clients deserve, while also facing challenges as we serve both a rapidly growing shelter population and new clients who are seeking asylum,” Adams said in a prepared statement.

Adams said the added migrant burden included families “arriving on buses sent by the Texas and Arizona governments” but in other cases, he said, “it appears that individuals are being sent by the federal government.”

Now isn't that a crying shame that the people causing the problem are now complaining about the problem.
... Ya know what they say... "Elections have Consequences!"

#### Salty
Democrats love to cry about not enough affordable (free) housing but Biden is allowing millions to flood over the border with has no plan to house them. Taxpayers aren't going to be happy spending billions to build more housing for migrants in the country illegally
... Too right, mate.

Democrats can say good-by to the presidency in 2024.
Not that they had a fair chance to win anyway...

#### Salty
Gov Abbot should send about 100 more bus loads to DC.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Gov Abbot should send about 100 more bus loads to DC. Originally Posted by Jackie S

You know Abbot has a VERY big smile on his face tonight!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
they should send some more to detroit!!!!
HedonistForever's Avatar
So it appears we have hit the breaking point but Biden has no intention of shutting this down so the Mayors are whistling past the grave yard with their complaints with Ole Joe in charge of the border.
texassapper's Avatar
We should be stopping the buses outside of Biden beach home in Delaware, and by the whitehouse in DC.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
brandon is obviously clueless..

btw... have any of you been in grocery stores lately? seeing some strange looking fruits and vegetables in produce aisles. they're from Guatemala/Honduras. the only people who eat them are from there and many of them are illegals.. didn't have those things 20 or 40 years ago.
HedonistForever's Avatar
We should be stopping the buses outside of Biden beach home in Delaware, and by the whitehouse in DC. Originally Posted by texassapper

Then the Democrats would accuse Abbott of wantingly sending migrants to a place where they will surely get cancer, asthma and be subjected to oil raining down upon them.

You know, like what happened to Biden
HedonistForever's Avatar
Question for 1bm1 and those that think like him.

Are the Mayors of D.C. and New York city RACISTS for complaining about the number of immigrants coming into NY and D.C., that they can not handle because they are "over taxing", the social services ability of those two cities? Or is the only reason they are complaining about these migrants, the color of their skin?
So, how come we don't have this massive supply of Latina and Ukrainian hookers ?
I'm trying to look at the bright side.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar

they should send some more to detroit!!!! Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm