After Prison Sex

Well.... I'm going to take advantage of some "after prison sex" in the near future....
No... I'm not "in" or "going to" (or LOL.... getting OUT) of prison.... or anything quite so fun like that....
A couple of my gals... (both members I thinck) have been incarcerated.... and are nearing their respective release dates.
I have reviewed both on here....
One or more of those reviews may or may not have been fake.... but I'd have to look it up and I'm not going to... because.... I'm lazy like that.

Soooo... with all of my Hobby experiences... I have to admit that I have only enjoyed "After Prison Sex" ONCE in my lifetime!!
And it was freaking AWESOME.....

That chick was fuckin horny as fuck.... and I swear to god, she climbed on top of me and road ME through the fuckin headboard like she'd never been fucked before....
At one point during the proceedings... she screamed out -- "you eat pussy better than any of the dykes I've been locked up with"

Am I guessing correctly that I won't be able to review the chick because I have previously reviewed her... and she is a member here... and Detective Loki might be able to look at the inmate rosters and news lincks to those real life names and match them up to my previous reviews????
This is serious stuff here folks....

Probably doesn't matter because when this inmate fucks the shit out of me.... I'm going to die a happy and satisfied man.... but ya know... in case I accidentally don't kick the bucket.

Thanks for your input.

Probably should have posted in ATS.... but I already hit the submit button.... and I don't have permission to move, delete or help out......
jokacz's Avatar
Back in the day the feds had co-ed prisons, Lexington and Morgantown come to mind. The girls had pants with velcro crotches and were heady to fuck the guys and the guards whenever the situation arose. Too many pregnancies and kids that were supported by your tax dollars ended all the fun. Except all the hacks continued to fuck the girls, not unlike the whores we fuck, but for less benefits.
Makes me wish I had fucked up and been sent to Morgantown or Lezxington.....

Is that Morgantown prison anywhere near that diner that has the best pancakes in the country????
Can't remember the name of the joint.... but that diner put the "CAKE" in pancake.....
Fuckin things were an inch high EACH.....

but back on topic.... I'm looking forward to my upcoming concussion... you know... as long as that's not med spec....
jokacz's Avatar
Morgantown, WV same town as the university. Lexington, KY, in case you didn't figure that out on your own.
Got to be the same diner....
Close to some golf course I played down there on vacation....
Is it okay to mention Morgantown and Leszington???
You know.... in case there's any hooks in those towns????
  • Flako
  • 07-15-2017, 07:47 AM
Lexington ky, yes good memories; where at the theater? Big and old mothe f..we place
  • Chloe
  • 07-18-2017, 04:23 AM
I'd want to say that seeing anyone out of prison could be an unsafe situation for either client or provider. If it is unsafe practicing, violent offender or possible illicit topic could up the chances of having an unsafe or uncomfortable situation happen.

I once declined a newbie screen of someone who seemed okay yet when I looked up criminal back round there was an arrest for stealing a pack of gum. At first I was like "Oh well we all were silly kids and had the let's see if I can get away with this hilarity." Moments. Then I saw it happened that year and he was a grown adult. If he stole a 25 cent pack of gum, than the probability of him leaving without paying donation is higher than most lol.