Blind Lust

I just wondered if anyone here has tried this, and if it worked out okay, or what your take on it was...

...An encounter where both parties put on blindfolds at the beginning of the session and attempt to do the dirty deed.

(sorry, wrong hole!)
SlowHand49's Avatar
So why am I envisioning myself somehow being led out of a hotel room, blindfolded, to be left stumbling around naked by myself in the hallway, much to the horror of the parents with small children in tow who just got out of the elevator?
DallasRain's Avatar
I think that would be long as you know each other{The trust level has to be there}
I just wondered if anyone here has tried this, and if it worked out okay, or what your take on it was...

...An encounter where both parties put on blindfolds at the beginning of the session and attempt to do the dirty deed.

(sorry, wrong hole!) Originally Posted by Garland_Bone
This is a scene I had when I lived in the SF Bay area. My lady friend and I used to go to an adult hotel in Oakland Ca called the Edgewater Adult was a swinger hotel. Well on Friday nights was couples and single men's night...a cuckold's dream. Anyway the first time I took my lady friend to the Edgewater...a Friday night...I wanted to surprise her so I picked her up and you trust me...she said yes. So on went her blindfold...I thought it would add to the suspense and hence the experience. Half way into the 40 min drive to the hotel...I had to get gas for the car. Well people were looking at her blindfolded at the gas station but I enjoyed the thrill of the scene...not thinking anything about it. When we got to the hotel...the clerk noticed my friend blindfolded...and the clerk said we have to talk to her to make sure that this is not a kidnapping situation. They talked to her and she said this was part of a fantasy and they let us check in. Later I someone at the gas station could have called the cops...thinking this was a hostage situation. I had to laugh to myself pretty scary when an adult motel clerk is a voice of reason.
WOW, cuckold looks like a long weekend in SF is in order. We just got a nice blindfold hood, but in my mind the other guy had it on. Might just have to rethink it!