Advice for 1st time

Have been wanting this experience for awhile now and I’ve come close but always get cold feet as I’m worried about the fuzz or getting robbed. I’m only 23 not tryna fuck my life up, just want a good time. Advice would be helpful
  • H&H
  • 11-08-2021, 07:59 AM
Don't do it. You will become an addict.
That young might be a little tougher finding someone. Big thing is to be very respectful of the providers wishes. You are looking for an hour of fun, being respectful goes a long way to having a good experience. Also don't waste a lot of time with them. Say you want to have at x time and date for an hour and don't keep pestering them
rum300's Avatar
Farm stud is correct. I was hobbling then as well. Research phone numbers, find pictures related to the numbers, find other phone numbers related to those pictures. Get a history of the provider well in advance of meeting. One or two posts over the last year isn’t a red flag, but you might want to go with someone else.

Example: over the summer there was a new ad on ss for a certain mid state town. Phone number and pics were the same as one ad used in Colorado a year or two ago. She was only available one night that weekend. Come Monday morning hears about a sting to get guys. So be careful
Lolove's Avatar
DallasRain's Avatar
i luv youn pups lol

lots of reputable gals here...good luck
In addition to all the other good advice; Find someone who has plenty of reviews on here or on The Erotic Review. Erotic monkey is a joke as far as reviews go, most are fake. Personally, I don’t give a lot of credit to the reviews on Private Delights either. Looks like you already have two very well reviewed ladies waiting for you to bite the bullet, I’m sure you can’t go wrong with either one. Be a gentleman!