Who remembers the Trop 56 girls

Who remembers the wild Trop 56? Lot of good times had there. What happened to all the girls? Did they retire or end up at other clubs? It’s been years so I’m sure they’re all long gone. Got any stories from there? I always heard you could go out back to a trailer and have fun, lol. Could be urban legend…
The Trop was so much fun. The Jesse-Nicole duo was the best. Good times for sure. It's been so long since it closed, I doubt any of the girls there are still in the business. I'd love to see any of them now, but I doubt it's in the cards.
Sure wish they were still open. My bank account grew like crazy after they closed, but it's not much fun counting money.
Oh definitely fun could be had at the trailer...but not during hours the club was open...and it was a different group of girls - no overlap with dancers as far as I know. IIRC, it was $80. I went there one day and it was the day before pheasant season...a half dozen cars were waiting in line (a pit stop on their travel west for hunting)...and one girl was seeing guy after guy like a cashier at Wal Mart checking people out.
Mae s trailer was fun, Mae died in a nursing home it was posted on the site that was simuluar to this one do not remember the name .
TailHooked's Avatar
Only made it there once. Never made to the trailer. Years later, a dancer told me that when she applied to dance there, she was given a tour of the trailer. So apparently they were offered the chance to use it.
One of the girls ended up at All Stars in Lawrence. She started cool but quickly turned a bit psycho and tried to blackmail me a couple times (she recorded me without my knowledge admitting to something). At first I went along with it just to get her to shut up and it wasn't a lot, and juuuust in case (I didn't want my wife to find out), but the third time she did I called her bullshit and said "this is the last time here's the money (it was $100), I want to see you delete that video."

I watched her scroll through and she couldn't find it (or deleted it) since she had a new phone. She was moving out of the area and had a lot of videos of dudes. I wonder how many she was blackmailing. She's originally from Topeka, but unknown where she is now. She was arrested for prostitution back in Coralville, IA back in 2011. At the time she was living in Scottsbluff, NE.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
What???? That’s crazy, so sorry. That is not supposed to be part of the fun.��

I love going to the strip clubs. It doesn’t sound like there’s a big choice in the metro area. Boooooo!
What???? That’s crazy, so sorry. That is not supposed to be part of the fun.��

I love going to the strip clubs. It doesn’t sound like there’s a big choice in the metro area. Boooooo! Originally Posted by Audrey Astor
Oh wait, I just remembered her stage name. She went by Mia or Misha. But again this was like 10 years ago, and last I knew she was heading for Vegas.