Can You Ladies or Gents Tell Me Why?

Certainly not the first time this has happened and I'm sure it won't be the last, but I really don't understand.

Last week I was traveling and spending a few days in Tulsa. Before leaving, research about the hobby playground was complete and 1 firm arrangement was made for the evening I knew was available and had been screened pending on my arrival time for the first evening.

In route, I made a call to choice # one for the evening. She apparently works independently and at one of the spas. I was told she was out of town but one of the other girls would like to see me. I passed.

Call was made to #2. The appointment was set for 8ish. When 8:30 passed, I made the call which went to voicemail. Shortly after I received a text saying she was still planning on coming. Finally at 10 I received a text apologizing for "things not working out".

What is so hard about just saying they're busy or not making the appointment?

You NWA guys, this is part of the Brilliant Hands group advertising a trip to your area. Be aware you may need to take a clock as a gift.