
Sunny Kaye's Avatar
Was just wondering, with all the bickering I see on here now!!
Where did all the love and pleasure go???

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Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Most of the frequent posters nowadays are haters, they hate everyone and everything, so to feel better about themselves, they play keyboard warrior.
Sunny Kaye's Avatar
I see that....
RachelR's Avatar
Just caught up on some reading after being gone for a while. There is ALOT of not so playful banter going on. What’s up with that? ��
TinMan's Avatar
It’s tougher to come up with interesting topics given the restrictions on what the ladies in particular can post. If you can come up with a topic that doesn’t seem like a retread of the “what should I do while I’m in town” threads, those usually turn out ok.

“Why can’t we all get along” threads are never a good idea if you’re really trying to build harmony. They go off track pretty quickly.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
Actually, this is a good topic of discussion. Why do people who have not even met or know the person they are spewing their hatred against, trolling or just plain lying about? Obviously, because they can behind the keyboard and of course, degrading others is their fun and they want attention. Those folks would not dare say what they say to the same individual(s) in person!

There is a reason that sites like this have people that moderate websites with real time discussion threads so that not only the threads stay on topic (a topic that is within the rules of the website), but also when insults, harassment and grade school cyberbullying take place, those mods are to curb ALL that kind of stuff. If they did so, the atmosphere of this site would change fast. There is no need to bring up the history and documented facts that clearly prove otherwise.

Now of course, there are many other things that go into moderation, but the focus of this thread is the arguing and bickering that is so rampant on this site and why some cannot even make a post without getting attacked by the trolls, hence, most members of this site have disabled or lurk only. There are even a couple of mods, who make them all look bad, not only instigate insulting/degrading others, but join in when they are late to the party. Then, play power trips with the dishing out of points when they are disagreed with or are called out for breaking the very rules they are suppose to enforce.

If the mods and others who other members respect and give high regard to would set an example of discouraging ALL this type of bullying others activity, no matter who it is, then it would be repressed rather quickly. THAT is the problem.
TinMan's Avatar
Actually, this is a good topic of discussion. Why do people who have not even met or know the person they are spewing their hatred against, trolling or just plain lying about? Obviously, because they can behind the keyboard and of course, degrading others is their fun and they want attention. Those folks would not dare say what they say to the same individual(s) in person!

There is a reason that sites like this have people that moderate websites with real time discussion threads so that not only the threads stay on topic (a topic that is within the rules of the website), but also when insults, harassment and grade school cyberbullying take place, those mods are to curb ALL that kind of stuff. There is no need to bring up the history and documented facts that clearly prove otherwise.

Now of course, there are many other things that go into moderation, but the focus of this thread is the the arguing and bickering that is so rampant on this site. There are a couple of mods, who make them all look bad, not only instigate insulting/degrading others, but join in when they are late to the party. Then play power trips with dishing out points when they disagreed with are called out for breaking the very rules they are suppose to enforce.

THAT is the problem. Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
But you, WEC, are among the biggest perpetrators of this sort of behavior. Rarely do I see a thread you comment on where you aren’t listing your grievances in agonizing detail. This latest post is just another example. At least it’s somewhat related to the thread topic.

Stop being part of the problem, and the wish the OP expresses may be one small step closer to becoming a reality.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
But you, WEC, are among the biggest perpetrators of this sort of behavior. Rarely do I see a thread you comment on where you aren’t listing your grievances in agonizing detail. This latest post is just another example. At least it’s somewhat related to the thread topic.

Stop being part of the problem, and the wish the OP expresses may be one small step closer to becoming a reality. Originally Posted by TinMan

Speaking of perps, I do not troll others, nor do I insult them just because, you know, what the topic of this thread is about (shall I post links to all the times you have?), nor have I been told to quit cyberstalking someone, but you have. And every time you did your trolling, it was never topic related. Your post above it the perfect example (of your many) of calling me out to troll me just because I posted on topic on a thread.

You sir are one of the problems the OP is talking about!
TinMan's Avatar
For every time I comment on one of your argumentative posts, there are numerous additional examples of your behavior that I ignore. I won’t bother citing examples since that isn’t the point of this thread (although you are now trying to head it in that direction), and I’m comfortable in the knowledge that any regular reader of the Dallas forums knows exactly what I’m talking about.

By the way, you often announce you have me on Ignore, but tend to respond to my posts when it suits you. You’re not making effective use of that feature it seems.
Bald Bryan's Avatar
I do not troll others Originally Posted by Wile E Coyote
This is complete bullshit. You've tried like mad on at least three separate recent threads to create some bogus rivalry between you and I over a well established and 100% independent provider. Each time it has been completely unprovoked and without any merit whatsoever. Your (well documented) actions mentioned here are the very definition of trolling others. You're a liar, plain and simple.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
^^^^^^^^ Yet another perfect of example of what I am talking about. Bald Bryan stalks my posts to see what I post so he can not only disagree with any type of opinion I have, but also hijack a thread to make it about me (lots of examples of this).

I have not met neither one of these two keyboard warrior guys in person, yet they have a very explicit bitter hatred against me. Now this is exactly the topic of this thread. I would not give two shits about it cuz I can see providers, stack up the p11 OKs and have fun while they play footsie with my posts to see what they can find wrong with it, but they are now taking it beyond the Eccie forums.

One reason I rarely review anymore is BB is so obsessed, he told a provider I saw and reviewed that if she saw me again, he would take away his business from her, talk about a real POS move. I have no doubt Tinman has done the same in some form or fashion, but he probably does it through spoof numbers or anonymous emails, so no proof (yet).

Anyway, you guys get to have the final word, and do not forget to show the reason for the OP to open this type of post to begin with (although you really already have).
Bald Bryan's Avatar
You've had too many pianos and anvils dropped on your head because none of what you say is true. It's just blathering drivel that is tiresome and sad to witness. Like literally none of what you say about me is true. Sure, I've called your bullshit out before but this shit about threatening another provider not to see you or whatever is complete nonsense. How many times do I need to go on record to say that I don't care who you see, I don't care who providers see and I don't care who and who doesn't get reviewed. You're uncomfortably obsessed with the subject. You threw some shit against the wall to see if it would stick and it didn't. You tried trolling me in front of your buddies and I called your ass out. Again, any independent provider not wanting to repeat with you (a noticeable theme when it comes to you) is going to be a decision they make on their own. Maybe you should examine your own behavior for once instead of constantly blaming others for your bad luck in the hobby?

And for the record, Tinman and myself have good reputations here in the hobby. This goes for both providers and clients. You, on the other hand...

Edited (for like the 3rd time) to add that if you wouldn't be blathering stupid and blatant lies, then maybe threads wouldn't jump the rails..

But in regards to that and the original post here...I think a big reason you see more fighting on Eccie is because there's a handful of scorned hobbyists here that aren't allowed on other forums so they just sit back and stir shit up here. The coyot here is a perfect example. He's been banned multiple times both here and elsewhere for yappin a bunch of repetitive and argumentative nonsense. It's unfortunate, but he hasn't quite caught on to the fact that he's actually one of the bigger red flags/problems on this site. So you have these sore loser toddler types that try and come out guns blazing and then you get a handful of people (like myself) who basically just sling their own shit right back on them so they know they can't get away with it and have complete control of the show here. Good thing is though, these few select people are basically just killing time (and bandwidth) in-between their banishments and will eventually be gone (again).
Sunny Kaye's Avatar
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 04-28-2022, 12:48 PM

And for the record, Tinman and myself have good reputations here in the hobby. This goes for both providers and clients. You, on the other hand... Originally Posted by Bald Bryan
Had to remove a few chapters of that long winded emotional response, your reputation is shit here BB, don't fool yourself by a few tricks and old whores patting you in the back

Like you post your beliefs and BS, let the Man post his own, it doesn't bother me what anybody else post here, why does it bother you?

I'm not taking any sides but acting like emotionally hurt woman all the time is getting old. Maybe you're just the sensitive type 😜
Bald Bryan's Avatar
Like you post your beliefs and BS, let the Man post his own, it doesn't bother me what anybody else post here, why does it bother you? Originally Posted by BLM69

Big difference between "beliefs" and made up shit. The coyot makes shit up and tries to spin himself out of the very webs that he spins himself. You're simpin' for a fraud.