Mad About Rates?!?

Ladies/gents, I need a little advice on how to handle something.. I recently got some good reviews so I decided I would raise my rates just a bit. I had someone call me about an hour session, and he had spoken to me days earlier but never saw me in person or scheduled an appointment. I told him the new rate, and he started getting aggravated... I told him I was sorry but I have good reviews and it's non-negotiable. He started telling me how I'm gonna have a bad review from him and that my reviews were shit anyway... *rolls eyes* I dismissed everything he said.. I wasn't rude to him, and even told him to have a nice day. Anybody ever dealt with something like this and what did you do?
Wow. That's really tough. I'm sorry. In your shoes I probably wouldn't have justified it by saying "I have good reviews" because then that comes off a little bratty. I would probably say something along the lines of, "I'm sorry we didn't see each other before my rates went up because then I might have grandfathered you in had we had a lot of fun! There's a lot of beautiful ladies in the area in the price-range we discussed the other day, and I'm sure one would love to take care of you. I've raised my rates so as to become more low-volume and dedicate more time and resources to pleasing the clients who are able to schedule with me."

It's not as if you're the only fish in the sea, and I have to laugh a little when men get disgruntled because they want to see YOU at lower prices. There's women on backpage selling half-hours for $80, and there's women who charge several thousand for an hour, and there's so much in between. I would politely point him in the direction of his price range (because it's true, there's beautiful women at all price points), wish him all the luck, and let him know it's a decision you made to improve your business and your client's experience-- not something done to screw him over personally.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Are you new to the hobby?

Sounds like you're new. Welcome to the wonderful world of escorting!

So you met your first superiorwhorefucker! Congratulations!!!


Definition one: A hobbyists that think he's entitled to a discount or a free session. They say things like "I am a seasoned hobbyist", "I am whitelisted on TER and very well known in the community", "I can ruin your business!" to try to intimidate you. It's almost like they think you're supposed to be star struck or something... .

Definiton two: A hobbyist that spends his entire life on a review board/hooker board (like this one) bashing every escort he comes across and saying thing like "CBJ?? $300?? I'm crossing her off my list", "42 year old $400??? Hell no!", "We pay them to leave!!!", "No piece of ass is worth more than $50 OMG!!!".

Oh if you need more definitions.. check out Jenny Demilo's blog. You'll feel better after reading it trust me. LOL!

My advice: Be polite and do your very best to avoid further contact with these men. They are nothing but trouble. You will only stress yourself out if you give this a second though! It happens to the best of us. I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with the BS anymore but I feel for those that do. *BIG BIG HUGS*
Thanks guys.. and I probably didn't handle it too well or like I should have but he started whining and irritating me as well, and I really don't have patience for those kinda men.. I'm not completely NEW to escorting... but somewhat (lol).. I started doing it late last year, and trust me I've come across my share of assholes.. I usually don't entertain their shit and let them know that their price isn't gonna happen... But THANKS again ^-^
And SugarBeth.. well said! thanks!
^ This is why I like doing a lot of my chats via email until I'm about to meet the gentleman in question. It's easier to keep things neutral, or for either one of you to back up if one of you misstepped and irked the other.

I would say-- first-- I agree with the other poster in that some men think they have a right to any girl and any of her orifices for the introductory (and forever) price of 199.99. As a girlfriend in the business tells me, "keep in mind, some of these guys are hobbyists for a reason," meaning, that socially they can be slightly rough to all out hobby-tard.

Luckily, there's so many wonderful gents out there it makes it worth dealing with these guys.

One last thing-- if you keep doing a lot of phone calls, you need to master the art of the dropped call to head off a conversation that's going south fast. Because, at a certain point, you might have been able to talk this guy around to your new prices, and being a quality provider, he would have (likely) been happy with what he paid. However, there is a certain point of no return, and it's part of your job to help keep the client (insofar as you are able because some of these guys are just burning rubber to get added to a banned-do-not-see lists as quickly as their quick little mouths or fingers can flap their words to you) from reaching that point.

Because really-- All most of us providers (the non ROBs) want to do is provide quality service, connect with the clients, and have repeat business. The thing is, it's easy for the men to forget how much paperwork, screening, supply buying, body-upkeep goes into this-- so if you're doing everything well, eventually you're going to have to bump up your prices in order to lower the amount of new clients coming in, while keeping the good clients you have, and welcoming in clients who are able to compensate you for your wonderful services. Otherwise, with the demands on your time, you're liable to start cutting corners, and that's not going to do yourself or your clients any good.

*steps down from soapbox*
Naomi4u's Avatar

Luckily, there's so many wonderful gents out there it makes it worth dealing with these guys. Originally Posted by SugarBeth
Exactly! The good definitely outnumbered the bad big time!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Ok Naomi now that u are a member of the novel club--u
Calling you!!! Lol
Naomi4u's Avatar
Ok Naomi now that u are a member of the novel club--u
Calling you!!! Lol Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Are you new to the hobby?

Sounds like you're new. Welcome to the wonderful world of escorting!

So you met your first superiorwhorefucker! Congratulations!!!


Definition one: A hobbyists that think he's entitled to a discount or a free session. They say things like "I am a seasoned hobbyist", "I am whitelisted on TER and very well known in the community", "I can ruin your business!" to try to intimidate you. It's almost like they think you're supposed to be star struck or something... .

Definiton two: A hobbyist that spends his entire life on a review board/hooker board (like this one) bashing every escort he comes across and saying thing like "CBJ?? $300?? I'm crossing her off my list", "42 year old $400??? Hell no!", "We pay them to leave!!!", "No piece of ass is worth more than $50 OMG!!!".
Originally Posted by Naomi4u

LMFAO.. I will have to remember those definitions. But, it is soooo true..!
whitechocolate's Avatar
Interesting thread. Providers can and should charge whatever they want and guys can take it or leave it. The key thing I have found is that many providers just havent mastered the art of persuasion and negotiation as well as just plain great customer relations skills and skills in avoiding verbal conflicts- the art of verbal judo. There are a lot of good programs out there in these areas as well as the great advice from outstanding providers like Naomi, SNL and SugarBeth.
U can charge whatever u want sweetie..ur new rate seems average to me, but ur reviews are mediocre )) with yes s & no s . Jus to let u know, but as always ymmv. My 2¢
burkalini's Avatar
I say if your worth it and your business doesn't drop go for it and stick to your guns. If it drops Well!!! you know what to do.
Drtry2's Avatar
Are you new to the hobby?

Sounds like you're new. Welcome to the wonderful world of escorting!

So you met your first superiorwhorefucker! Congratulations!!!


Definition one: A hobbyists that think he's entitled to a discount or a free session. They say things like "I am a seasoned hobbyist", "I am whitelisted on TER and very well known in the community", "I can ruin your business!" to try to intimidate you. It's almost like they think you're supposed to be star struck or something... .

Definiton two: A hobbyist that spends his entire life on a review board/hooker board (like this one) bashing every escort he comes across and saying thing like "CBJ?? $300?? I'm crossing her off my list", "42 year old $400??? Hell no!", "We pay them to leave!!!", "No piece of ass is worth more than $50 OMG!!!".

Oh if you need more definitions.. check out Jenny Demilo's blog. You'll feel better after reading it trust me. LOL!

My advice: Be polite and do your very best to avoid further contact with these men. They are nothing but trouble. You will only stress yourself out if you give this a second though! It happens to the best of us. I'm lucky that I don't have to deal with the BS anymore but I feel for those that do. *BIG BIG HUGS* Originally Posted by Naomi4u
The way that hobbyest handled the situation is wrong! That beeing said, to label every man as a Superiorwhorefucker that express's his opinion about what he is willing to pay or not pay is a sure way to not build a good client base.

If you dont get feed back on your rates or service, you wont know what to charge or what needs improvement, if you raise your rates and calls stop you wont know for sure if it is the rates or something different. The reason this board is here is so there is feed back both directions.

My feedback to sweet.treat is compare your services with others and base your rates around the same as theirs, but stay away from the bashing and drama that goes with it, that is one sure fire way to tank a start up operation.
Naomi4u's Avatar
The way that hobbyest handled the situation is wrong! That beeing said, to label every man as a Superiorwhorefucker that express's his opinion about what he is willing to pay or not pay is a sure way to not build a good client base. Originally Posted by Drtry2
I just told the truth. You should really read Jenny Demilo's blog and from the response I got from my post obviously I'm not the only one that feels that way. If a guy knows the lady's rate and isn't willing to pay her what she's asking .. why would he call? If you can't afford the lady's time .. move on and DON'T bash her! There are other ladies that will gladly accommodate you. A lot of ladies don't negotiate their rates and that's simple as that. Why call someone you cannot afford and insult them for charging what they charge? That alone will for sure turn the lady off and she may not see you even when you CAN afford her time.

So yes.. the men that haggle, threaten and bash the ladies in this business are the superiorwhorefuckers. They can't take no for an answer and THINK they're entitled to a discount or a free session. Nuff said.