Ontario Brothels

The Buffalo News today has an informative article about the prospect of legal brothels in Ontario.
cravenmorehead's Avatar
Looks like the Rudan's could make a killing if the story plays out to let existing strip clubs become brothels, maybe he knew something when he re-opened Seductions.
pyramider's Avatar
The Canucks are a progressive group.
Maybe Roman's Babies will reopen....lol.
Poor Roman must be turning over in his grave.
Channel 2 in Buffalo followed the bandwagon with its own report.
cravenmorehead's Avatar
They better hurry up and build the new bridge to prepare for the increased traffic. lol
Oh Canada....eh

This could end up being the the perfect thing to perk up the Ft Erie economy now that The Slots are being shutdown. Think of it as being the New Slots where everyone is a winner and you go back home with a smile on your face....lol
Gotyour6's Avatar
Oh Canada....eh

This could end up being the the perfect thing to perk up the Ft Erie economy now that The Slots are being shutdown. Think of it as being the New Slots where everyone is a winner and you go back home with a smile on your face....lol Originally Posted by Celso
And no money in your pocket.

Boarder entering..

Customs: "Do you have more than $10,000 on you."

You: "Oh hell yes"

Customs: "What is your reason for the visit?"

You "Hookers!"

Customs "Have a good time"
I guess we have to have another study to consider construction of a new "Piece " bridge.
sunfish's Avatar
The Buffalo News today published a commentary by Donn Esmonde in favor of the U.S. following Canada's footsteps in legalizing prostitution. This stand is very refreshing and courageous for a major newspaper, even though I am not holding my breadth for its realization.

I wonder whether Esmonde is a hobbyist.
rooster's Avatar
The Channel 2 story is both funny and disturbing, in spots. One of the most disturbing quotes is from the spokesperson for the "Adult Entertainment Association" when he says ""There would be an enormous amount of regulations that would be put in place."

Yup. There sure would be. And a lot of it will probably not be good and could serve more to harass than protect (especially for men).

This will be extremely interesting to follow. The fight "against" prostitution is a bigger joke than the "War on Drugs." It's been going on a lot longer and has been spectacularly unsuccessful. Here is a chance for a progressive society to make some positive changes. What will happen? Again... it will be interesting to follow.
jokacz's Avatar
The idea of brothels does nothing for me. If they allow them in Niagara, I see them sticking them out by the Penthouse. That place would make a perfect whore house as it is with the motel attached. Might explain why Mints has stayed open with no real business to speak of and why they are doing changes upstairs. Main and Ferry is a pretty sleazy neighborhood so they may allow one there. You know they're going to license the girls that work in brothels, they license strippers and MP workers already. Hopefully freelancers doing incalls wouldn't need to be licensed. I wouldn't mind mandatory STD and drug testing.
Frankie Fine's Avatar
Oh Canada....eh

This could end up being the the perfect thing to perk up the Ft Erie economy now that The Slots are being shutdown. Think of it as being the New Slots where everyone is a winner and you go back home with a smile on your face....lol Originally Posted by Celso
Guess who just bought some real estate !
Guess who just bought some real estate ! Originally Posted by Frankie Fine
Congratulations and good luck with the investment.