Question about rates fr doubles bodyrub

Guys. I am doing doubles with my bi girlfriend this week and wanted to ask the group about what is a fair rate structure for doubles. Most providers I see will simply double their single rate. Is that fair?

I decided to give a deal and take $30 off if a guy wants doubles so if my single rate is $140 doubling rate would be $280 but I offered to do doubles for $250 per hour. Is that better? Should doing doubles allow for discount or do you think it's better to simply double your single girl rate?

Ladies what do you think as well?
When I did doubles awhile ago I always charged $600 which was twice my hourly rate then. Now Id probably charge $550 but that's bc its slow here in the summer. But I think $250 is way too low for a double. I mean its almost always twice the work so why shouldn't your rate reflect that but hey its up to you honey. Have fun & stay safe..
gimme_that's Avatar
Ladies will all hit you up via pm and say double work less for more can you lose.

I haven't booked a doubles yet, and I want too bad......probably haven't because there is usually never financial incentive to book it over a singles session.....your rate your propose for doubles multihour shows great incentive. But if its just massage with none of the stuff in my signature line below......I can pass on simple massage and glorified handjob.......

But I think you on the right track inquiring.
Keri. I only do massage so I didn't want to charge that high
pornodave69's Avatar
When I did doubles awhile ago I always charged $600 which was twice my hourly rate then. Now Id probably charge $550 but that's bc its slow here in the summer. But I think $250 is way too low for a double. I mean its almost always twice the work so why shouldn't your rate reflect that but hey its up to you honey. Have fun & stay safe.. Originally Posted by keri2114
Keri, Trinity is FBSM, not FS so her rates reflect massage services.

Trinity, most of the time with FS providers guys will pay each girl's individual rate combined. But some ladies have different rates so they may agree on a set rate and split it. If both ladies charge $250, the doubles rate is $500. If one lady charges $250 and another charges $300, the rate is $550 and they split it accordingly. Some ladies may charge slightly less than double the rate but it just depends.
gimme_that's Avatar
I mean its almost always twice the work Originally Posted by keri2114
How so....if half the time he's fucking the other chick. Lol If I do a doubles best believe they will both be busy.....on me. I have sex with one while the other licks my balls between strokes, a double BBBJCIM share, double cuddling, doing datysquating while one blows me layed out on the floor, double daty while I lick the clit, pussy on demand all night........but that's just me lol.
I always enjoyed playing with a friend when i did doubles and we always discounted. My rate is 3 and i usually do doubles for was more about having fun....just me though
How so....if half the time he's fucking the other chick. Lol If I do a doubles best believe they will both be busy.....on me. I have sex with one while the other licks my balls between strokes, a double BBBJCIM share, double cuddling, doing datysquating while one blows me layed out on the floor, double daty while I lick the clit, pussy on demand all night........but that's just me lol. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I meant when not only is the girl w the guy she's also working on the other girl. At least that's how I do it.
Keri. I only do massage so I didn't want to charge that high Originally Posted by Trinity Payton
Oh I'm sorry I didn't realize. Like I said its your session so charge whatever you feel is right. I was only saying that's what I've charged..
Zoey Zacquery's Avatar
I like to give a discount as a booking incentive because I love getting to play with sexy girls! It's fun to put on a show and I also really enjoy the creative possibilities when there is an extra person to play with. It's not really less work to do a double, if anything, if you're doing it right, it requires more creativity (positions, good views, balancing multiple personalities instead of only interacting with one other person) and there are a lot more ways to stay busy the whole session instead of having downtime! Even though I charge 300-350 per hour depending on the city, I like to offer doubles for 500 per hour purely because... I love doing them. I mostly set my rates based on what feels worthwhile to me (considering related expenses, my time, my personal daily limits, and my personal goals), and I highly recommend that other ladies do the same! Personally I enjoy networking, sharing clients, and exploring new experiences, so I do like to offer a deal to encourage guys to go ahead and book the double.
I think it can go either way.

From the male perspective: I can only have so many Os in a session. I am not going to double my Os just cause there are two girls. So why pay twice the rate? Not saying that it should be a single rate either, as I am sure I am having twice the fun. When one girl bounces on my dick, the other is squirming on my face. So there is a basis for paying the double rate too.

From the girl perspective (or at least a guys perspective of the girls perspective): She could discount cause she is only having intercourse with the client half the time. Also she gets to play with a nonclient that she really likes as a friend (likely but not a guarentee). On the other hand, and this is from my several 3somes, the girls both work real hard, as I dont ever want them to feel left out. As stated one is always bouncing on my dick and the other on my face. No one is ever left out, and we all are worn out at the end. Yes, there is an arguement for it both ways from the female perspective.

I say lets all get naked and have 3somes. Looking forward to it.
TiCobra's Avatar
Just a thought here...I can get a doubles here in BR (FBSM) for 250/hour...seems to be the going rate for most of that type of provider in BR...but you price it they way you want Trinity..I'm just offering a suggestion...understandably it would be much higher if it was a FS provider...but not for a doubles FBSM IMO...
DallasRain's Avatar
I say charge what you feel comfortable charging! If you market the product right,you will have business you need and want!
Dallas beat me to it!

I'm in a "charge for my time" industry. Prices vary. A LOT.

Take some advice from my 20 years + experience.

The market will tell you what is "fair". Put up what you want to charge. If you are too busy, charge more. If you are eating cat food, charge less.
DallasRain's Avatar
well said!

I charge what I feel comfortable with & what works with me and I live a nice life.........I choose not to charge extra for ANYTHING cause I am just a fuckin nympho who cannot get

have fun babe!