Iranians are being told that the COVID vaccine turns you gay

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Oh, great. Iranians are being told that the COVID vaccine turns you gay

Jazz ShawPosted at 4:31 pm on February 8, 2021

As if things weren’t going badly enough for the people of Iran when it comes to the pandemic. In one of those #HeadDesk moments, while reading the news we learn that a radical Iranian cleric with a very large following has told his people to not only avoid getting a vaccination but to stay away from those who have been vaccinated because the vaccine turns people gay. Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian began dispensing this medical and moral advice to his followers on social media. And the truly sad part is that you just know that at least some of them are going to believe him. Before you know it we’ll probably be seeing vaccinated people being thrown off of roofs. (Jerusalem Post)
An Iranian regime cleric in the holy city of Qom on Tuesday issued a homophobic rant against people vaccinated for COVID-19, claiming that they become gay after receiving the vaccine.

Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian wrote on his Telegram social-media platform: “Don’t go near those who have had the COVID vaccine. They have become homosexuals.”

The radical Islamist has nearly 210,000 followers on his Telegram account.
Iran is one of the nations that’s been hardest hit by the pandemic, largely for reasons of their own making. From the very beginning, Iranians weren’t getting much in the way of medical help, largely because corrupt Iranian officials were stealing huge amounts of the aid sent to their country and selling it on the black market. When addressing the issue of how the pandemic started, Iran’s leaders told their people that the Jews were to blame.

This insane idea about the vaccine turning people gay isn’t the first such conspiracy theory about alleged cures or vaccines to make the rounds in Iran, by the way. Iranians were dropping dead in large numbers last year from poisoning after people began spreading rumors that drinking wood alcohol would cure the disease. And Ali Khamenei himself later told his people that the United States was probably putting poison in the vaccines to kill off our enemies.

Of course, we can only do so much finger-pointing at the Iranians when you consider the number of conspiracy theories that have been hatched here at home. We had that one guy who intentionally destroyed hundreds of doses because he was telling people that the vaccines would not only mutate their DNA but also had microscopic tracking chips in them that the government would use to keep tabs on you.

Iran has one of the worst per capita COVID caseloads and death rates in the world. They almost certainly would have had to deal with the pandemic sooner or later just like everyone else, but a combination of official corruption and wild fearmongering has clearly made conditions worse for the people of that country.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

this is too good to be true.
winn dixie's Avatar
Turning fag and dying of covid. Eugenics??????
Assup has up has nothing to worry about.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-09-2021, 05:08 AM
And our Republican QAnon loving friends tell their followers that our Covid vaccine will inject them with a tracking device and will make their women sterile!

Though the post has been removed and thoroughly debunked, the sterilization rumor has persisted, circulated by QAnon and anti-vaccine accounts on social media and promoted by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, along with other baseless claims about the vaccine.

According to Smith, articles and blog posts about the claims put forth by the former Pfizer employees “are consistently the top shared, most popular articles among QAnon supporters.”

This is not the first time adherents of the cultlike QAnon movement, which was founded on the myth that Donald Trump was battling a “deep state” cabal of satanic pedophiles but has since morphed into an all-purpose vehicle for paranoid conspiracy theories, have dabbled in disinformation about the coronavirus or a future vaccine. Early on in the pandemic, QAnon-related social media accounts helped promote anti-lockdown protests and undermine trust in public health officials, who they claimed had either created the coronavirus or were overstating its severity as a means of population control.

One of the early COVID vaccine conspiracy theories embraced by many QAnon believers involved Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and an alleged deep-state plot to use mandatory vaccines to inject the public with microchip tracking devices.

Over the last several months, QAnon has become increasingly entangled with the established anti-vaccination community online. Late last month, Facebook removed the largest anti-vaccine group for promoting QAnon content.

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Ok Dilbert,
That's an incomplete story.
What about the part where covid is a plot by the descendants of Genghis Kahn to again conquer most of Asia? /s
  • oeb11
  • 02-09-2021, 09:49 AM
Thank you - DF.,.
i am surprised the marxist DPST/ccp fiden cabal does not take up the idea to thin our population, and make the people easier to control and enforce marxist ideology .

Of course - we already have 'valued posters' with those ideas who view Iran as a model for future Rule/control of their Amerika.

Let the nut case mullahs enforce their crazy ideas on a younger Iranian population.
a people many of whom are sick and tired of religious autocracy.

Khomeini led a revolution and threw out the Shah - Revolution can happen again.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-09-2021, 04:47 PM
And our Republican QAnon loving friends tell their followers that our Covid vaccine will inject them with a tracking device and will make their women sterile!

Though the post has been removed and thoroughly debunked, the sterilization rumor has persisted, circulated by QAnon and anti-vaccine accounts on social media and promoted by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, along with other baseless claims about the vaccine.

According to Smith, articles and blog posts about the claims put forth by the former Pfizer employees “are consistently the top shared, most popular articles among QAnon supporters.”

This is not the first time adherents of the cultlike QAnon movement, which was founded on the myth that Donald Trump was battling a “deep state” cabal of satanic pedophiles but has since morphed into an all-purpose vehicle for paranoid conspiracy theories, have dabbled in disinformation about the coronavirus or a future vaccine. Early on in the pandemic, QAnon-related social media accounts helped promote anti-lockdown protests and undermine trust in public health officials, who they claimed had either created the coronavirus or were overstating its severity as a means of population control.

One of the early COVID vaccine conspiracy theories embraced by many QAnon believers involved Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci and an alleged deep-state plot to use mandatory vaccines to inject the public with microchip tracking devices.

Over the last several months, QAnon has become increasingly entangled with the established anti-vaccination community online. Late last month, Facebook removed the largest anti-vaccine group for promoting QAnon content.
. Originally Posted by WTF
So maybe the QAnon nut cases are actually an Iranian funded group. Could be.

But the real question is: should anyone be surprised that some parts of the country actually support QAnon idiots representing them in Congress? I would be embarrassed to admit I would have voted for such a fool if I had.

But sadly those people's votes count just as much as sane people's votes.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-09-2021, 04:49 PM
The similarity between the Mullahs and some Evangelical Thumpers is scary. The only difference is which religious book they thump.
Lapdog's Avatar
Well, we'll soon see if Ayatollah Abbas Tabrizian's followers are as fucking gullible as your typical Trump supporter.
So maybe the QAnon nut cases are actually an Iranian funded group. Could be.

But the real question is: should anyone be surprised that some parts of the country actually support QAnon idiots representing them in Congress? I would be embarrassed to admit I would have voted for such a fool if I had.

But sadly those people's votes count just as much as sane people's votes.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Sane people don't vote for geriatric demented candidates like Biden. This country hasn't come up with a decent candidate in years even Trump left a lot to be desired but Biden is a total Jackass who has no clue what he is doing. He hasn't been in office a month and is wearing out his pen signing executive orders, a trained monkey can do that.
  • oeb11
  • 02-09-2021, 05:08 PM
Fiden is exactly that - a puppet of teh raical marxist DPST/ccp party.

Until harris boots him - then a real marxist will be in control - and best have their voter fraud in order for 2022 - as voters see what they voted for - and REBEL!!!
Lapdog's Avatar
....and he's already accomplished more than Trump did in four years.
  • oeb11
  • 02-09-2021, 05:14 PM
Thank you - ld - valued poster.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-09-2021, 06:27 PM

this is too good to be true. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Do you know and oeb going to Iran to get your shot?

I'm getting mine here so the government can track me and maybe help me find my keys!