How a W-2 influences foreign policy

texassapper's Avatar
"Hunter Biden made about $11 million in six years from 2013 to 2018...the bulk of his income came from his seat on the board of a UKRAINIAN NATURAL GAS COMPANY AND TWO DEALS WITH CHINESE business interests."

Democrat foreign policy makes a lot more sense now doesn't it?
  • Tiny
  • 06-04-2022, 11:26 AM
There are two holes in your theory,

1. Burisma is owned by a pro Russian ex-politician. That would argue for the U.S. entering the war on the side of Russia.
2. Biden hasn't done anything to overturn the tariffs and other measures that Trump took against China.

I have another theory as to why the war in Ukraine might not have happened if not for the Democratic Party:

I don't believe people deserved to go to jail over all this. But do believe the fault lies mostly with the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democrats. Comey, the FBI and the Justice Department were culpable too.

Hillary was the genesis for this back in 2011 and 2012. She was all over Putin for allegedly rigging an election. Mass protests arose in Russia and Putin blamed Clinton. One of WTF's new favorite words is realpolitik. Well, Clinton was doing the opposite. She made an enemy out of Putin. Barrack Obama, with his moral sanctimony, didn't help.

Fast forward to 2016. Russia tried to influence the U.S. election, in Trump's favor, because Putin correctly viewed Clinton as hostile to his best interests. No doubt the U.S. has done just as bad and worse in other elections in other countries. Anyway, when evidence of that comes out, Clinton's campaign tries to pin "Russian collusion" on the Trump campaign. Trump, being the occasional dumb ass that he is, didn't help matters when he said, during the campaign,

“Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.”

As Jackie says, the Clinton/Democrat narrative was pushed by the press, even though it wasn't true.

So what's the current fallout from all this? Well I can't help but think that maybe the crisis that's occurring in the Ukraine might not have happened if Russia and the Democratic Party hadn't become sworn enemies as a result of what happened in 2012, 2016 and their aftermath. Putin views an America controlled by the Democratic Party as an enemy, and that's part of the reason for his paranoia about NATO and the Ukraine. While many called Trump Putin's lapdog, maybe, just maybe, it was the other way around. Originally Posted by Tiny
I imagine you could poke holes in this too. WTF, who labeled this nonsense and a fairy tale, has been trying to disprove my theory for 72 hours, and the best he could come up with was that Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and John McCain are warmongers. And John McCain's dead! This leads me to believe it's not that bad of a theory.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump, being the occasional dumb ass that he is, didn't help matters when he said, during the campaign,

“Russia, if you’re listening — I hope you are able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press. Let’s see if that happens.”
It’s great how this irks people who either don’t know or don’t care that it was a joke, and a pretty good one.
VitaMan's Avatar
Even better is the way U2 was able to influence foreign policy for the African countries. Bono saved them millions and millions in interest payments.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
There are two holes in your theory,

1. Burisma is owned by a pro Russian ex-politician. That would argue for the U.S. entering the war on the side of Russia.
2. Biden hasn't done anything to overturn the tariffs and other measures that Trump took against China.

I have another theory as to why the war in Ukraine might not have happened if not for the Democratic Party:

I imagine you could poke holes in this too. WTF, who labeled this nonsense and a fairy tale, has been trying to disprove my theory for 72 hours, and the best he could come up with was that Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and John McCain are warmongers. And John McCain's dead! This leads me to believe it's not that bad of a theory. Originally Posted by Tiny

i agree with that, it's about influence peddling but that doesn't guarantee control. Hunter Biden did take that loot for access to daddy no matter what they say. there's records of it and photos of them meeting with Biden.

how far would Biden go to protect Hunter from all the dirt? hard to say but i don't think he would or could do something that would be directly at China's bidding. besides, any "leverage" China may have had is largely dissipated because that idiot Hunter left his laptops at that repair shop and now it's all coming out. knowing what was on them how stupid is Hunter to "forget" he left them there? remember that if he hadn't abandoned them the shop owner wouldn't have gained possession of them.

as far as what he saw while working on them while they were still legally Hunter's property anything illegal he could and eventually did inform the FBI over it. he could have done that without waiting for the time frame to claim them to expire. after that he was entitled to make whatever copies he wanted, he owned them at that point. of course he did that mainly as an insurance policy for good reason given who he was dealing with.

here's a fact that many of the lefty's here don't realize or won't admit when they jabber about Rudy peddling the contents rather than turn the copy over to law enforcement. the FBI already had them and for quite some time. it was in large part because nothing came of it by the FBI (they were sitting on them for political reasons) so that's why the shop owner gave copies to Rudy and others.

It’s great how this irks people who either don’t know or don’t care that it was a joke, and a pretty good one. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

he was being Trump being Trump making a snarky comment to the press. nothing more to see here. move along.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-04-2022, 02:42 PM
There are two holes in your theory,

1. Burisma is owned by a pro Russian ex-politician. That would argue for the U.S. entering the war on the side of Russia.
2. Biden hasn't done anything to overturn the tariffs and other measures that Trump took against China.

I have another theory as to why the war in Ukraine might not have happened if not for the Democratic Party:

I imagine you could poke holes in this too. WTF, who labeled this nonsense and a fairy tale, has been trying to disprove my theory for 72 hours, and the best he could come up with was that Marco Rubio, Lindsey Graham and John McCain are warmongers. And John McCain's dead! This leads me to believe it's not that bad of a theory. Originally Posted by Tiny
Why don't you go check out the votes in both the Senate and House to supply weapons to Ukraine.

I think Biden asked for 32 billion and they gave him 40.

Please explain in detail how that can be attributed to Hillary Clinton and exclusively Democrats.

You sound like bambino and his election nonsense on this one.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-04-2022, 02:46 PM
It’s great how this irks people who either don’t know or don’t care that it was a joke, and a pretty good one. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Trump would have been fucked without the power to pardon. While that statement was a joke...his son and son in law taking that meeting wasn't. Nor was the party platform change that was much more friendly to Russia while Manafort was his campaign manager.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-04-2022, 02:51 PM
Only 11 Senators voted against and 57 House members. I'd call that overwhelming bipartisan...especially in thos day and age.

"The Republican leader called on “every senator on both sides to join this bipartisan supermajority” in passing the bill. “Anyone concerned about the cost of supporting a Ukrainian victory should consider the much larger cost should Ukraine lose,” McConnell said.

But 11 senators from McConnell’s party voted against the measure, as some Republicans embrace the non-interventionism promoted by former President Donald Trump.

“It appears more and more MAGA Republicans are on the same soft-on-Putin playbook that we saw used by former President Trump,” Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Thursday, using a term for pro-Trump Republicans that Democrats have embraced. “Our adversaries might conclude that we’re divided — America is divided. They might conclude that we lack purpose.”

When the House passed the measure last week, 57 Republicans opposed the bill, while no Democrat voted against the measure."
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-04-2022, 02:58 PM
i agree with that, it's about influence peddling but that doesn't guarantee control. Hunter Biden did take that loot for access to daddy no matter what they say. there's records of it and photos of them meeting with Biden.

how far would Biden go to protect Hunter from all the dirt? hard to say but i don't think he would or could do something that would be directly at China's bidding. besides, any "leverage" China may have had is largely dissipated because that idiot Hunter left his laptops at that repair shop and now it's all coming out. knowing what was on them how stupid is Hunter to "forget" he left them there? remember that if he hadn't abandoned them the shop owner wouldn't have gained possession of them.

as far as what he saw while working on them while they were still legally Hunter's property anything illegal he could and eventually did inform the FBI over it. he could have done that without waiting for the time frame to claim them to expire. after that he was entitled to make whatever copies he wanted, he owned them at that point. of course he did that mainly as an insurance policy for good reason given who he was dealing with.

here's a fact that many of the lefty's here don't realize or won't admit when they jabber about Rudy peddling the contents rather than turn the copy over to law enforcement. the FBI already had them and for quite some time. it was in large part because nothing came of it by the FBI (they were sitting on them for political reasons) so that's why the shop owner gave copies to Rudy and others.

. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
More horseshit from the peanut gallery.

Nothing has come of Hunters laptop despite Rudy and the FBI being in possession. Why? Because other than exposing what a total pos Huntur is nothing illegal came about from the laptop in regards to Joe.
VitaMan's Avatar
Speaking of Bambino, Salty has not been heard from since the day Bambino was removed.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Salty is in mourning. The pierogi squad is still represented tho.

I imagine Hunter’s laptop is less incriminating than most of ours.

The cicadas will chirp until they find the missing 3,000,000 votes from 2016. And then won’t.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Salty is in mourning. The pierogi squad is still represented tho.

I imagine Hunter’s laptop is less incriminating than most of ours.

The cicadas will chirp until they find the missing 3,000,000 votes from 2016. And then won’t. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

is he? if you say so.

missing 3,000,000 votes from 2016? are you implying 2016 was a stolen election? or did you just confuse 2016 with 2020? i mean .. you are old and prone to be confused ...


and thanks for peaking my interest in Pierogi.. sounds delicious! i'll have to find a restaurant that serves them. of course i've had Chinese dumplings .. in China. also delicious!
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Trump would have been fucked without the power to pardon. While that statement was a joke...his son and son in law taking that meeting wasn't. Nor was the party platform change that was much more friendly to Russia while Manafort was his campaign manager. Originally Posted by WTF
Yeah, I’ll take your word for Trump being on the take, over an army of lawyers and every “journalist” on the planet digging dirt for years and coming up with bupkis.
*rolls eyes*
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Yeah, I’ll take your word for Trump being on the take, over an army of lawyers and every “journalist” on the planet digging dirt for years and coming up with bupkis.
*rolls eyes* Originally Posted by Jacuzzme

unlike the left Trump is too rich to be bought .. he is a rouge politico and beyond corruption Trump is as pure as the fresh driven snow. he is without doubt the greatest America first president since Ronnie Raygun.



WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-05-2022, 08:10 AM
Yeah, I’ll take your word for Trump being on the take, over an army of lawyers and every “journalist” on the planet digging dirt for years and coming up with bupkis.
*rolls eyes* Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Trump PARDONED his way out of deep doodoo.