Stormy Daniels wins one

VitaMan's Avatar
Her lawyer Michael Avenatti off to serve more jail time for stealing her book advance money.
Chung Tran's Avatar
Shocking to recall that for a brief spell, Avennati was considered to be a potential Candidate for President.

I hope the Prison Guards pour mustard on his pressed designer Suits, piss on his prison jump suit, and feed him to the starved Homosexuals.
Always thought he was one of the good guys.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Always thought he was one of the good guys. Originally Posted by royamcr

he's a shyster from day one. he's ripped off everyone including his partners in his law firms. so what would your definition of a "bad" lawyer be?
Lucas McCain's Avatar
The moral of the story is never trust a fast talking attorney with slicked back hair because they'll probably be a douchebag. Haha

Edit: I know he is balding now but I have no doubt that he was once a slick back hair shyster when he was younger.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
The moral of the story is never trust a fast talking attorney with slicked back hair because they'll probably be a douchebag. Haha Originally Posted by Lucas McCain

he hasn't had hair in decades. his hairline was fading when he was young.

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
he got off light. 30 months for his attempt to extort Nike. he could have gotten up to 40 years. he got 30 months.

you wonder why Mark Geragos wasn't also charged?

Extortion conviction and sentence

On March 25, 2019, Avenatti was arrested in New York City, and federal prosecutors in the Southern District of New York announced that they were charging Avenatti with attempting to extort up to $25 million from U.S. athletic apparel and shoe company Nike by threatening to make damaging charges against the company.[106][107] Avenatti allegedly claimed that Nike improperly made payments to families of high school basketball players.[108] The arrest came about 15 minutes after Avenatti announced that he would be holding a press conference the next day, at which he claimed he would reveal information about a high school and college basketball scandal involving Nike.[71]

During the afternoon of March 25, Avenatti and an unnamed co-conspirator were scheduled to meet with lawyers from Nike, at which prosecutors allege he would have offered to cancel the press conference in exchange for payment.[71] Avenatti's suspected co-conspirator was identified as Mark Geragos.[107] Avenatti was released on a $300,000 bond that evening.[109]
On February 14, 2020, Avenatti was found guilty on all three counts related to the attempted extortion of Nike.[110] He faced potentially more than 40 years in prison.[3][16] On July 8, 2021, Judge Paul G. Gardephe sentenced him to 30 months in prison.[18]
HedonistForever's Avatar
Always thought he was one of the good guys. Originally Posted by royamcr

That explains a lot.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
yawn... another candidate for swamp dump.
That explains a lot. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Trumptard got me there derp derp.
Precious_b's Avatar
Shocking to recall that for a brief spell, Avennati was considered to be a potential Candidate for President.

I hope the Prison Guards pour mustard on his pressed designer Suits, piss on his prison jump suit, and feed him to the starved Homosexuals. Originally Posted by Chung Tran
What party was he affiliated with?

Chung Tran's Avatar
What party was he affiliated with?

Originally Posted by Precious_b
Supposedly the Democratic Party. IIRC, he worked intensively for a Democratic Presidential candidate some years ago.

To be fair, Avennati was not unlike Trump. Both were non-Politicians who burst onto the scene, charging others with bad behavior. Money and power motivated both, not ''change''.
Just so happened other Republicans got Trump's wrath, while Trump got Avennati's.

And both chewed and spit out Stormy Daniels.
VitaMan's Avatar
What is the cliff notes summary of Stormy's book ?
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
considering Avennati is broke and in jail Stormy Tits isn't getting anything.

guess she'll have to continue to flash her tits till they get saggy and she's pole dancing from a wheelchair
