Why are people catching feelings?

So I’m so confused. I’ve had numerous “friends” catch feelings after a hang out or two. And then get mad when it takes me 10-15 min to answer. Cause ya know I don’t have anything happening in life. Lmao. (I’m sorry geez) but I thought the whole point of this was to keep feelings seperate and have that KNOWN COMFORT!?? I’m so confused man. Someone, anyone HELP?!! Also how was everyone’s holidays? I hope well!!! Would love to hear from everyone to see how ya are. But really if anyone knows please tell me how I can fix this issue?? As I’m sure I’m not the only one of us that’s had to deal with this!??? Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!
I would inform them that you have a life and recommend that they get one too … tact isn’t my strong suit.
Just politely remind them that this a business not a romantic relationship
How old are you?
I’ve been nice about the entire situation with them. Told them I apologize for the delay in messaging but I do have other things in my life that absolutely cannot include this. And that the entire reason for this entire thing is discretion as well as not having to worry about the drama of feelings or having strings. But in all it just made them more angry. Lol. I just wanna have fun.
Its not rocket science. Tell them cant see them any more and stick to it. It'll piss them off they should back off if they have any sense about them.

Tell them "Breaking up is hard to do"