Thumbs up or down to crunch man (me)

Just curious what the consensus is on me here. I know I'm the most popular/ talked about guy on this site. I also know by many if you old losers, who shall remain nameless, that I'm also the most hated. So I'd just like a yay or nay if you like crunch and his antics or if you hate it. Lets not get all philosophical and shit. No fucking long drawn out discussions. Yes or no.
YAY to crunch. Yes. Thumbs up for my vote.
thumbs down. Get over yourself. Punk.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 04-07-2014, 02:00 PM
I know I'm the most popular/ talked about guy on this site. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
As of about 2 minutes ago i was pretty indifferent towards ya.

But now that you asked.......Nay.
Thumbs up for me. But I really don't care about what others say or think. What you add or what majorhands adds if its a benefit or informative for me then the thumb is up. There are many on here in a position to meet these girls and to share with me or this board I don't care how or why the information is shared. A lot of the BS that others get into doesn't add anything to this board and usually ignored by me. Hoping to meet Taylor Sky so thumbs up from me.
No offense, but I don't think you're thought about much at all. The truly polarizing members are OSD, XY, Paul, GP (see ya), and a whole bunch of others that start to chime in when these guys start posting. I think most would be indifferent to you. And I think to most of us as well. Keep a low profile on a hooker review board. That's probably for the best...
Highwayman64's Avatar
Who cares? Get over yourself.
I find it interesting that it was over 6 weeks between reviews and than we get one for same girl, oh yeah a little different cuz it was a threesome, guess he needed PA again but idk fr sure, but I agree with highway, get off hi horse, we all know about her and her rates, let someone recent pay her hi price and review. As for me if you haven't guessed it, NO
honestly, its been way to annoying to follow with my low attention span

i write off those chicks because of you for the most part your way too involved and thats a major turn off

there are probably 15 girls i already see so not sure i need to dig up any more anyways unless

its EXTREMELY uncomplicated and i dont see that here in the least

beyond that i dont give a fuck what you say or if you disappear tomarrow i would care not in the least bit
Just curious what the consensus is on me here. I know I'm the most popular/ talked about guy on this site. I also know by many if you old losers, who shall remain nameless, that I'm also the most hated. So I'd just like a yay or nay if you like crunch and his antics or if you hate it. Lets not get all philosophical and shit. No fucking long drawn out discussions. Yes or no. Originally Posted by sucrunchman
As of about 2 minutes ago i was pretty indifferent towards ya.

But now that you asked.......Nay. Originally Posted by Doove
I'd agree with Doove. I have been pretty neutral as well , but starting a thread like this is enough to sway me. However, you are neither the most talked about or the most popular guy on the Board despite the illusions of grandeur. You are only the most talked about for brief periods when you create the discussion purposefully as you seem to thrive on that (e.g.. this thread). In between those periods, few people give you a second thought. I also doubt that many of the guys actually care enough to develop true hatred towards you and I would describe it more as you are a minor irritant to many.

Cue Carly Simon...
So far a better turnout than I expected. As for the comments on other members...osd I haven't quote figured out if he's from a different country, mentally handicapped, typing on a broken keyboard, or just illiterate...xy is just a scumbag who threatens little girls when they don't do what he wants them to...or if he thinks his wife will find out that he's helping them behind her back...Paul is osd's dumber son, and gp is a jerkoff who's no longer with us. They mean nothing. Look at how many reads and responses my posts get in comparison. I love debating with u morons. It's like shooting dead fish in a barrel. It's easier than stealing candy from a baby. (Btw this is only to those who oppose me...some of u actually know I'm a decent guy)
Love the feedback gents.
So were looking about 50-50 right now it seems
Tiger's Avatar
  • Tiger
  • 04-07-2014, 02:44 PM
No vote from me either way.... I just wanted to see my avatar in your thread.

carry on...