Just Shut Up, New York Times - Only Citizens have the Right to Vote!!!!!

  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2021, 07:36 AM

Everyone knows someone who is “like family.” Some neighbor or friend of the family who is thought of as an aunt or uncle, cousin or sibling, whatever, for a large period of their life. Then that person dies and everyone discovers that while they were “like family,” they structured their last will and testament to make sure all their earthly possessions go to their actual family. That’s the difference between “like” and actual. The New York Times ran an op-ed this week calling for people who consider themselves to be “like Americans” to be able to vote in our elections. No, not ever. Voting in the United States is and should always be reserved for people who are actual Americans, not those unwilling or unable to become such.
I’ve never heard of Atossa Araxia Abrahamian, and I’d bet you haven’t either. You have no reason to. She’s supposedly some sort of journalist, but anyone can claim to be that, and wrote a book no one read, which weirdly appears to have been “reviewed” in more left-wing outlets than copies were sold. Apparently now some kind of editor at the radical “The Nation,” Atossa was commissioned by the Times echo chamber to write a piece calling for non-citizens to vote in the US.

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Entitled, “There Is No Good Reason You Should Have to Be a Citizen to Vote,” it’s every bit as dumb as you’d expect. She writes, “Nearly 15 million people living legally in the United States, most of whom contribute as much as any natural-born American to this country’s civic, cultural and economic life, don’t have a say in matters of politics and policy because we — resident foreign nationals, or “aliens” as we are sometimes called — cannot vote.” Sure you can…in whatever country you’re actually a citizen of. If you want to vote, go back there. If you want to vote here, become a citizen.
Abrahamian, a national of Switzerland, has apparently been in the United States for 17 years, allegedly legally. If that’s the case, why the hell not become a citizen? If you can’t bother yourself with the paperwork, why the hell should anyone care that you feel disconnected? It’s like someone sitting in a chair whining about wanting to be the chair next to them – there’s literally nothing stopping them from moving to the other chair except their own laziness, yet they just whine.

After her column ran, she tweeted, “Lots of people are yelling at me for not being a US citizen after 17 years here. My dudes: I agree that the law is preposterous! Now call your representatives!” No. The law is the law. Nowhere else in the world would tolerate somebody whining, demanding they change the law to accommodate their laziness. “Because this is obscure to most Americans: getting a green card can take years/decades depending on your situation. Once you have the green card, you aren't typically eligible to apply for citizenship for 3-5 years,” she continued.
I don’t think she realizes how most people don’t give a damn. Immigration law doesn’t exist to make her life easier, and it should not be easy to become a citizen. There should be one question asked of everyone looking for US citizenship before all others: What do we get out this?
It’s an honest question, and really the only one that matters. You aren’t family, you aren’t even “like family,” no matter how you feel about it. But you’re asking to become family. What are you bringing to the table.

Becoming an American should not be easy, and it should not be open to anyone who wants it. As for as Abrahamian goes, we already manufacture enough left-wing, American-hating lunatics domestically, we don’t need to import anymore.

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She concludes her ridiculous piece by writing, “I hope that Democrats seize their chance, and realize the power and the enthusiasm of their potential constituents.” At least she’s admitting what we’ve known Democrats are up to with their active thwarting of immigration laws – they want more Democrat voters. Screw Americans, import enough to tip the scales. This, from the people who regularly talk about “our democracy.”
The column by Abrahamian is part of a left-wing activist series the Times is running designed to examine “bold ideas to revitalize and renew the American experiment.” America is not an experiment, it is the freest, most successful country in the history of the planet. It does not need to be revitalized or renewed, it needs progressive leftists to stop doing everything in their power to damage and ultimately destroy it. And it sure as hell doesn’t need non-citizens helping them try to do it.

Derek Hunter is the host of a free daily podcast (subscribe!), host of a daily radio show on WCBM in Maryland, and author of the book, Outrage, INC., which exposes how liberals use fear and hatred to manipulate the masses. Follow him on Twitter at @DerekAHunter.

The maoist DPST plan to destroy America and institute marxist control under Xi - Open borders, a welfare state to bankrupt America , and give the Vote to anyOne who votes for marxist totalitarianism
Which means teh Country of America and True representative democracy - Is Dead.

DPST lying terminology

'equity' = Communist state control and ownership of al property, outcomes, and living space

'our democracy' = maoist DPST control of all state operations , and of all Peoples
voting rights= take the vote away from citizens of America and permit only maoist DPST votes - as china, russia, venezuela, Iran, etc.

Democrat= hypocritical , lying, maoixt Communist totalitarian idiots.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
As a side comment. If a non-citizen is in the US legally, there's only a few forms to fill out, and a background check, then a history type test. It just takes time for the paperwork to process, and there better not be any errors, and the background check needs to be clean, but, again, only a few forms to fill out.
  • oeb11
  • 08-01-2021, 07:56 AM
UC - Please explain - 'to what purpose' - is the process you quote to obtain a voter registration ?
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
UC - Please explain - 'to what purpose' - is the process you quote to obtain a voter registration ? Originally Posted by oeb11
UC is not talking about voter registration, but citizenship papers.

thing about it is that foreign nationals used to be able to vote in america's elections during the 19th century, they didn't have laws prohibiting it at the time. it eventually became controversial in the late 1800's.