Calling all ladies!

Hello fellow members

I would like to start by thanking everyone for their overwhelming support and encouragement for this years Toy Drive. As many of you know, I am scheduled to appear at Palazio's tonight for the "Stripper Idol"; unfortunately, I am not going to make it I will not be catching my flight home this evening as I have a loved one in the hospital. I am very sorry, and disappointed that I won't make it on stage, but I am just not comfortable heading home yet.

With that being said, I would like to reach out to the females of the community and ask for a replacement. This is such a good cause, and I know it will be a fun evening for everyone that is present. If you are interested, please pm myself or Whispers so we can make arrangements. I would hate to see this evening dismantle, I really want to turn that prize money into a charitable contribution!

Again, I am so sorry that I will not be in attendance this evening but I will see you all at the party next month!

Whispers's Avatar
There is a considerable number of people set to show up. more than enough to pretty much guarantee the winner.

Kelli had intended to donate the $1000 to the fund raiser had she won.

Searching for a replacement at the moment.

If nothing comes together by 7:00Pm I will post here as well as email everyone on the list that the plans for Palazios tonight are off.
Whispers: if nobody steps forward, when is the next opportunity? I would imagine after the holidays, but I would be willing to perform at the next Idol night.

Come on ladies! This is a great cause.
Whispers's Avatar
Probably not until January 31st since the last Sunday in December is new years Eve
Whispers's Avatar
Event has been cancelled!

Anyone still planning on hitting the club anyway email and I'll let you know who else will be there and still try to arrange passes.
Bummer. Shoot, *I* would have danced for the donation if they'd have let me.
BaylorGuy's Avatar
Glad I checked this update before heading out. Thanks to whispers for keeping us informed and hoping that Kelli's relatives recover safely and quickly