
I dont want to be too nosey (well, maybe a tiny bit), but do some of you use an online payment service? Who thinks thats a good idea an why?

Always looking for ways to make everyones life easier 💋
Great question, Suzanna... From a client perspective (are we still allowed to call ourselves clients or hobbyists?!?), I would not want to use something like PayPal simply because of the tracking... somewhere, somehow, there's a record of the transaction between Person A and Person B.
Use square pm me for reasons Suzanna!!!!!
DallasRain's Avatar
I take paypal...but only with established friends....and also for cancellation fees
{no problems YET}
  • Luxie
  • 08-05-2018, 09:28 AM
Square and Paypal are both NOT adult friendly. Now only can they ban you from their services forever, but can freeze your account and take your money. All it takes is one report from a client and you're screwed. A client can also request a chargeback six months after the visit and guess who is responsible for reimbursing them? You are.

I would never take Paypal in a million years. If you insist on getting paid online I suggest getting a bitcoin wallet.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Paypal is a super bad idea although I do use Square and haven't had an issue. But I use Square VERY rarely. Maybe once a month or so.

I've heard horror stores for years with Paypal accounts being frozen. I wouldn't even attempt using Paypal.

For phone sex, etc., I use Square and it's been great but again, have heard of fellow sex workers having their accounts frozen, etc., what Luxie mentioned above.

Also, with bitcoin, not a fan. Cash is king. And with new clients? I've had too many men, just recently, almost beg to be able to use a credit card for the appointment.

Nope. Unless I know the person, or it's a phone dealio, never accept anything but cash.

There have been several topics, just recently, about charge backs etc. Maybe in the powder room?

There are quite a few topics discussing alternative payment methods if you do a search.

Good luck!
dumars's Avatar
Over the years, with a few regulars I've had the pleasure with, I got into arrangements where I'd release my debt to them in a lump at the end of the week/2 week/month.

They appreciated it for the fact it wasn't burning a hole in their purse/pocket. For the last one I actually made deposits to her account! Only real issue was I kept the books, so to speak. With safe guards to be sure.

Certainly NOT for everybody or every situation but it worked for us.

I also tried a "money card". My account with her name (on the card). That didn't work out so good for reasons I won't get into.

My 2¢.
I've been on square for over a year. I love it! The one time I had a client try get the charge back, square asked me some questions I told them I provide a service not a product now I'm insured through square permanently. I know I have said this multiple times now. SQUARE IS SET UP FOR A BUSINESS PAYPAL IS AN APP TO SEND GIFTS NOT FOR A BUSINESS....
And fuck Bitcoin. That shit is already going down hill