... Hmmm... Rather shameful that you "Thomas the Doubter" types
never can trust that another fellow just may be tellin' the truth.
Perhaps you surely owe the fellow a well-meant apology.
And then you also have the cheek to put the badmouth onto ME
and almost claim that me help of me new-found friend what's-his-name
is not true and honest.
A better lad then me might even feel insulted.
...Pay no attention to the nay-sayers here, whatever-your-name-is.
I'm sure YOU can tell that I'm here to offour you sage advice.
We could surely invest your new-found wealth in mutual funds.
However, I recently got some good information that one o'
me mates back home in the olde country got a direct interest
in a silver mine that's past-mountain.
Surely might be the best investment. Send me a few hundred thou
- American funds, and that could get the ball rolling.
Thanks, mate. ... 'course with ANY investment, ya win some
and maybe lose some, but que, sa-raw - sa-raw...
### Salty