new governor of kansas

Well it appears ol Sam Brownback has won the role of Governor. According to the AP an the Emporia Gazette

Wonder how that will bode for us Kansans?

Thoughts? and lets try to keep it civil lol
Ictpssylvr's Avatar
Guess time will tell. I hope good. He got my vote.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I can foresee a crackdown on the hobby. I'm just worried he will put the Westboro Baptist Church in his cabinet. Although, I agree with ICT, I hope he does good for Kansans. I just have my doubts.
Since he was a member of the "C" street Family, ultra religous group, I would say he will be a nightmare to any adult activities!!!! But he will be running for president more than likely, he has huge delusions of grandeur!!!!!
kcbigpapa's Avatar
Since he was a member of the "C" street Family, ultra religous group, I would say he will be a nightmare to any adult activities!!!! But he will be running for president more than likely, he has huge delusions of grandeur!!!!! Originally Posted by kcmark
Now we will have two states that have shitty strip clubs.
LOL papa....that will be the least of our worries
john_galt's Avatar
I told everyone about the man running for attorney general who didn't care about the hobby but did anyone listen? No, all I got was snark from the usual gang of idiots. If you won't do the political thing then we are doomed.
Longermonger's Avatar
JG, did you vote for Brownback? Yes or no. If you refuse to answer, we'll assume that's a yes.

This thread was started to discuss the new governor of KS, not the AG.
dirty dog's Avatar
Good by strip clubs, good by adult books stores as you know them and expect a major crack down on the Hobby, oh and JG I did not listen to you because well simply put....... I dont live in Kansas so I couldn't vote, but then again, its doubtful I would have listened anyway.
howudoin's Avatar
If you vote striclty with the hobby in mind then I would rather not see you vote. Just my 2 cents.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-03-2010, 09:29 AM
Brownback should concentrate first on balancing the state budget. I understand that's going to be a big problem for Kansas. The sales tax measure they thought would help hasn't produced anything close to the kind of revenue they needed it to.

I think he'll cut education first. Don't know what would be next.
kcbigpapa's Avatar
I told everyone about the man running for attorney general who didn't care about the hobby but did anyone listen? No, all I got was snark from the usual gang of idiots. If you won't do the political thing then we are doomed. Originally Posted by john_galt
John, why is it that you consistently call people names, such as the above quote in which you are calling us idiots, but whenever someone does the same to you, you run to the mods and call for sanctions? It might make some think that you are nothing but the little bitch you appear to be. First of all, like DD mentioned, not everyone lives in KS. And like howudoin said, if your sole purpose is to advance the hobby at the voting booth, it may be best for you to stay home.
I don't see any stepped up crackdown on the hobby. I really don't. Different cities and counties have their own vice units, etc...and like any organization, they fight for funding and equipment, and try to justify themselves constantly. They haven't been hibernating during the last two Sebelius terms...and nothing will change with Brownback being governor.

As far as strip clubs go....we have the advantage of seeing what a job killer this is in MO. Politically, any move against strip clubs will make him look like a bible thumping lunatic who cares about morality more than jobs. I know many here think just that...but even if true, he can't politically afford to do it.

I think people should really be turning their gaze towards the new AG. His actions are much more important than the governor, IMHO. I don't know much about him, but he has the power and is in the right political spot to hurt the hobby and SC.
  • jac01
  • 11-03-2010, 04:39 PM
Schmidt was a pretty moderate republican as a state senator. Now that he's the new AG, I don't see him going all right wing and cracking down on the hobby or SC.
Longermonger's Avatar
The way that an AG gets to be a governor is by building a "tough on crime" reputation. The low hanging fruit of Craigslist is gone, so Backpage beware.