dirty dog's Avatar
A recent report from the GSA shows that since Feb of 2008 the sewer usage bill has gone up considerably. The cause, The President is using the bathroom more than prior Presidents. The GSA estimates sewage usage will run into the millions. Should the American people pay for this, why are the American people saddled with such an expense?

NONE OF WHAT IS WRITTEN ABOVE IS REAL, but I did it to illustrate just how stupid this "get Obama" mentality of the right wing nuts like JG has become. His recent post about the India trip and the right wing talking heads running with the story without even checking the validity of it just screams ignorance. As many on the board have tried to point out to JG and others over the past months, the constant stream of attacks from both parties towards the President or members of congress has caused the message to be lost. No one is listening anymore! There is an old saying, pick your battles, fight the ones you can win, but let the others go and live another day. Save these attacks for issues that really matter.

I will remind the right about the little boy who cried wolf, eventually he got ate by the wolf.
john_galt's Avatar
Ahhh history; news flash: Bush hates black people, story at 10., Bush too stupid to pour piss out of his boot, read below the fold., Cheney has the heart of a child, on his desk!, Bush goes to war to impress his dad. Impeachment hearing to follow., Bush intends to imprison liberals, nation on alert., almost forgot; Bush to take another vacation, when does this man work?
Any of these sound familiar? Probably wrote a few of these yourself but instead of snickering while you wrote, you were sweating bullets wondering when they were coming for you.
dirty dog's Avatar
Ahhh history; news flash: Bush hates black people, story at 10., Bush too stupid to pour piss out of his boot, read below the fold., Cheney has the heart of a child, on his desk!, Bush goes to war to impress his dad. Impeachment hearing to follow., Bush intends to imprison liberals, nation on alert., almost forgot; Bush to take another vacation, when does this man work?
Any of these sound familiar? Probably wrote a few of these yourself but instead of snickering while you wrote, you were sweating bullets wondering when they were coming for you. Originally Posted by john_galt
What the fuck are you saying, I dont understand retardinese.
What the fuck are you saying, I dont understand retardinese. Originally Posted by dirty dog
I believe JG was trying to illustrate the "get Bush" mentality of the left-wing nuts like the entire MSM has become.
john_galt's Avatar
It almost sounds like DD is fluent but only he gets his joke.
dirty dog's Avatar
It almost sounds like DD is fluent but only he gets his joke. Originally Posted by john_galt
Thats exactly the mentality that is causing the problems in this country, one side does something, the other side says is wrong, but then they do the same thing. Maybe if the idiots on both sides would quit playing tit for tat and actually do something constructive we would not have the problems we do, and Galt no one gets your humor or shall I say lack of humor.
dirty dog's Avatar
I believe JG was trying to illustrate the "get Bush" mentality of the left-wing nuts like the entire MSM has become. Originally Posted by fritz3552
I understood the first part of his post but dont understand this part "Any of these sound familiar? Probably wrote a few of these yourself but instead of snickering while you wrote, you were sweating bullets wondering when they were coming for you."

Why would I be sweating bullets and who would be coming after me and if this is Galts idea of a funny comment, please point out the punchline.
JS42's Avatar
  • JS42
  • 11-06-2010, 12:45 PM
Well, I wouldn't of been surprised if this story would of been true, as Obama is certainely full of shit!
kcbigpapa's Avatar
It almost sounds like DD is fluent but only he gets his joke. Originally Posted by john_galt
Oh no. I got it...and it was fucking hilarious.
john_galt's Avatar
See how it feels KC.
Well, I wouldn't of been surprised if this story would of been true, as Obama is certainely full of shit! Originally Posted by JS42
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-07-2010, 09:27 PM
I just heard via an email that was forwarded 15 times, that Boehner, has ordered the Air Force to outfit a Boeing 747 for his personal use as the next Speaker of the House. The cost is $200 million and operating costs will be $187 billion per year. Thought these guys were going to save tax dollars.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Will have to check it out. But if it was a forwarded email, it must be true. I'll help pay for it with the 20 million dollars I'm getting for helping out a former Nigerian prince.
john_galt's Avatar
Too late, Pelosi has already had the plane made up so it won't cost anything extra.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well, I wouldn't of been surprised if this story would of been true, as Obama is certainely full of shit! Originally Posted by JS42
JS this may very well be true LOL. But arn't you getting sick of this stuff, for 8 years we heard it from the Dems, the last to years we heard it from the Reps and personally it has just wore itself out with me, because from my prespective, all this the Republicans are wrong and the Democrats are wrong has gotten me............. nothing just like the rest of America. Lets face it the only purpose of the discussion about his trip to India is to stir up more shit. Which means once again nothing is accomplished and we get to sample more of JG's mind numbing commentary and misinformation. You know, "I meant it as a joke", "but I really dont know why he is going their", I mean which is it, a real discussion or a joke, cant be both err well from JG maybe it can be, shit I stand corrected .