Kudos to Obama

wellendowed1911's Avatar
It will be purely sad if the Right wing media attacks him, but for Obama get a10 billion dollar export package the administration rolled out was fantastic. There are some economist who feel that this administration is going to try to initiate some plans to globally weaken the dollar- you may ask why this is a good thing, but in order for the u.S or any country to make huge profits or to increase revenue they have to Export more than they Import and countries who tend to have a weaker currency normally will have better exports because the items will be cheaper to purchase.
You guys can say what you want but if you are truly for America and not looking at this as a Republican/Democrat issue this was a good move by the Administration- india's economy is growing and has huge potential.
"india's economy is growing and has huge potential'

Yes it is, I will inform my former coworkers whose jobs were outsourced that they should be grateful. They need to snap out of it if they "are truly for America".
Btw, I have no allegience to either party. I can bail as quickly as anyone.
If company/corp owners were "truly for America," they'd keep all the work here instead of outsourcing to countries who will do the job cheaper and do the job half ass. I don't think placing blame on only the govt. is the right thing to do.

I hate calling for tech support on any product I own, I can't understand them and if I can't understand them, I don't get my stuff fixed. Rat bastards.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
If company/corp owners were "truly for America," they'd keep all the work here instead of outsourcing to countries who will do the job cheaper and do the job half ass. I don't think placing blame on only the govt. is the right thing to do.

I hate calling for tech support on any product I own, I can't understand them and if I can't understand them, I don't get my stuff fixed. Rat bastards. Originally Posted by MsElena
Yes I agree and also Obama proposed a bill than would give huge tax cuts for businesses that keep jobs here in the U.S and don't outsource them to other countries- if you are a true American you would support those measure regardless of your affiliation. However, just watch in the next day Obama get blasted for this deal. There were already mis truths coming from the right that Obama's trip costs taxpayers 200 million dollars which is a gross misstatement. Again, I will give props to any politician regardless of his/her party that will propose something to help Americans or our economy. The 10 billion export deal will certainly help ensure some jobs for many Americans. There's still a long way the go, but this is a step in the right direction.
As I stated earlier I like the idea that the administration is purposely trying to weaken the American dollar this is the reason behind the Feds purchasing 600 billion in bonds to lower interest rates and weaken the dollar which in the end will allow the U.S to export my goods at cheaper rate.
john_galt's Avatar
Many a slip twixt the cup and the lip...

That means that I will believe when I see it. Both for Obama to propose and the Indians to go along with it. Remember, it takes two to tango.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Many a slip twixt the cup and the lip...

That means that I will believe when I see it. Both for Obama to propose and the Indians to go along with it. Remember, it takes two to tango. Originally Posted by john_galt
ok do you think he would make this announcement in India with the world media watching if they had not come to terms? You are one of the pessismetic people I have ever known. If Obama announced we have discovered a cure for cancer- you would say well I want to see all cancer people cured first. However, if this was 3 years ago and Bush had reached the deal it would all be great right? You are a prime example of people who can't see any good in the other party no matter what. If this Administartion finds captures and executes Osama you would come up with some excuse.
john_galt's Avatar
Well, you are so full of it. I bet your eyes are brown right? I'm pessimistic by nature and, yup, even under Bush, Clinton (the era of big government is over), Bush (read my lips, no new taxes), Reagan (We must give the people living in this country lawfully full citizenship), Carter (the Soviet Union will not invade Afghanistan)... So don't try to second guess me but you can take a dive at a rolling donut.
dirty dog's Avatar
Well, you are so full of it. I bet your eyes are brown right? I'm pessimistic by nature and, yup, even under Bush, Clinton (the era of big government is over), Bush (read my lips, no new taxes), Reagan (We must give the people living in this country lawfully full citizenship), Carter (the Soviet Union will not invade Afghanistan)... So don't try to second guess me but you can take a dive at a rolling donut. Originally Posted by john_galt
Actually John, I think he painted a prett good picture of you.
If company/corp owners were "truly for America," they'd keep all the work here instead of outsourcing to countries who will do the job cheaper and do the job half ass. I don't think placing blame on only the govt. is the right thing to do.

I hate calling for tech support on any product I own, I can't understand them and if I can't understand them, I don't get my stuff fixed. Rat bastards. Originally Posted by MsElena
100% correct for sure, plus they always have to check with their supervisor.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Well, you are so full of it. I bet your eyes are brown right? I'm pessimistic by nature and, yup, even under Bush, Clinton (the era of big government is over), Bush (read my lips, no new taxes), Reagan (We must give the people living in this country lawfully full citizenship), Carter (the Soviet Union will not invade Afghanistan)... So don't try to second guess me but you can take a dive at a rolling donut. Originally Posted by john_galt
John yes all Presidents have lied but give me a time in history where a President has traveled to another country met with it's leaders and announced a treaty/agreement while in that country and the President misled us? Reagan, Bush, and Clinton were all political talking points that you should have taken with a grain of salt- in carter's case it wasn't as if he was at the Kremlin shaking hands with Brezhnev that there was an agreement that the Soviets have stated that they were not going to invade Afghanistan.
Well1911......why bother darlin'? Trying to make him (JG) see your point AKA the truth is like slamming your head against a brick wall. Others try, but fail because he is what he is and he'll only believe what he wants to believe.
kcjjj's Avatar
  • kcjjj
  • 11-09-2010, 09:16 PM
As I stated earlier I like the idea that the administration is purposely trying to weaken the American dollar this is the reason behind the Feds purchasing 600 billion in bonds to lower interest rates and weaken the dollar which in the end will allow the U.S to export my goods at cheaper rate. Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
The more immediate and long lasting effect of this action is that all imported goods and commodities will increase in price because we operate in a global market. Monetizing the dept which is what the Fed is doing, will reduce the purchasing power of the dollar and lower the standard of living of Americans. Oil has already moved back over $80/barrel and will continue to rise even while world wide demand in down. The interbank interest rate is almost 0! The idea that this will increase consumer or business lending is very simplistic. Banks having such cheap access to money means they don't need to lend to business or consumers to profit. The secondary effect will be an artificial inflation of the stock market, possibly in time for Obama's 2012 campaign, but this will just be another bubble that will pop.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 11-10-2010, 09:33 AM
DD, John, ect......STICK TO THE TOPIC.....NOT each other. We are not going to allow anyone to side-track another thread. Vacations will be given to those that can't discuss things without making it personal.
dirty dog's Avatar
Don't drag me into this crap, I have made one comment and it was on Galts positions on the topic of this thread as described by Wellendowed, I have purposefully stayed out of these conversations, but even when I fucking do that you got to drag me the fuck into it.