Assault with a Deadly Dildo

I just saw this on MSN.

I laughed at the title Women Assaults Cop with sex toy

Thats a new one Assault and Battery with a Sex Toy wonder how he worded it in the report.

According to the report he called it a rigid feminine pleasure device."

Adult FYI has the title of the above link The Case of the Deadly Dildo

Would you ever assault anybody with your sex toy? How would you respond if you got assaulted with one?

Just thought it was a funny story. hope the officer is not to hurt.
That story is hilarious! I love the quote “a rigid feminine pleasure device." How do they know that it is only for women LOL?

She apparently loves to Dine n Dash. What a loser! How the officer allowed her to go back to her house to get money is beyond me. She must do this all the time. More importantly, how she thought she was going to overtake an officer with a freaking sex toy is beyond all comprehension. Now instead of just being charged with a dine n dash, she's now got something much worse to deal with...assault on an officer. Gee.... I'm no brainiac, but I'm pretty sure that assaulting an officer is still considered BAD, Really Really Bad!

It's idiots like this gal that make the rest of us look like Einstein LOL.
Longermonger's Avatar
...and nobody got tazered???