Whats up with the Chiefs

Two weeks in a row we got spanked by the worst teams in our division.

Todays game was an ass whooping. I never expected this from the Denver Bronocos.

Chiefs were doing so good and now in the second part of the season they are falling apart.

What is everyones thoughts?

Did we get to cocky?

Is it the coaching?

Are the players not listing/playing well?

Come on Chiefs pull ur head outta ur asses and play like u did in the first half of the season.

Go Chiefs
dirty dog's Avatar
The team is not as good or as talented as their early record showed, thats its, no other reason, you guys got caught up in the hype and jumped on the bandwagon and the bangwagon lost its wheels.
The team is not as good or as talented as their early record showed, thats its, no other reason, you guys got caught up in the hype and jumped on the bandwagon and the bangwagon lost its wheels. Originally Posted by dirty dog
Well said. They are still wip, and have a long way to go. Good planning, coaching and execution will expose teams' weaknesses and that is happening to the Chiefs. They stilll need help at wr, the secondary is not as good as we thought and special teams are below average. If they play mistake free football, they will have a shot as we saw earlier in the season. When they don't, they are not talented enough to overcome the mistakes as good or great teams do.
dirty dog's Avatar
I am not disappointed though, an 8-8 record is a vast improvement, with a few more key FA pick ups, a good draft next year and continual improvement of the young players we could be there, we should just enjoy their better play and keep up the support for the future and leave all the playoff and superbowl talk alone.
Yes, they are much improved. Remember when Marty came, they went from 4 wins (I thnk) to 8-7-1 the following year, then 11-5 and the playoffs. There will still be more pain this year, but not as much as last.
Miss_Mya's Avatar
We now know what type of "man" the Chief's head coach is. Nobody likes to lose but seriously what type of message is he sending to the players by showing unsportsmanlike like conduct to McDaniels after the game by not shaking his hand? That type of of conduct is uncalled for and very unprofessionally and in sports at all levels coaches always shake even if they don't really want to.

On another note the Chiefs in the past has always had a hard time in the second half of a game I guess now they are taking it up a level and are just going to have a hard time finishing off the second part of the season.
dirty dog's Avatar
We now know what type of "man" the Chief's head coach is. Nobody likes to lose but seriously what type of message is he sending to the players by showing unsportsmanlike like conduct to McDaniels after the game by not shaking his hand? That type of of conduct is uncalled for and very unprofessionally and in sports at all levels coaches always shake even if they don't really want to.

On another note the Chiefs in the past has always had a hard time in the second half of a game I guess now they are taking it up a level and are just going to have a hard time finishing off the second part of the season. Originally Posted by Miss_Mya
Hailey has a problem with some of the activities that occured on the field during the game which he attributed to McDaniels, it had nothing to do with losing, the message he was sending was I am going to protect my players and that is the type of message that players appreciate.
sipapi's Avatar
Hailey has a problem with some of the activities that occured on the field during the game which he attributed to McDaniels, it had nothing to do with losing, the message he was sending was I am going to protect my players and that is the type of message that players appreciate. Originally Posted by dirty dog

Exactly. When he first came, I was not thrilled with choice given his limited experience, but he has changed my mind. He is sticking up for his guys, building trust, with sports or any endeavor, nothing is more important. He "man'ed up" and apologized today. No worries.

I was the fat kid playing the tuba in the band, but if I was athlete, I'm thinking the coach that has fire in his belly is the one I will run through walls for. I know it is a business, but never underestimate the espirit de corp and pride of an athlete.

I said 10-6 in a bet before the season...I'm sticking it with it.
dirty dog's Avatar
I have to agree with you about Hailey, when he first came here I was like no freakin way, when you got guys like Gruden hanging around why him, and the play last year did not help my opinion of him, but I like a coach who will get into a players ass, what impressed me most seems to be a lack of ego, instead of going with lesser choices for his coaching staff he chose two former head coaches, this showed me he is more about winning then anything else. If the team continues to play hard and get better, Hailey could be the best choice the chiefs have made in a long time. And personally I am very happy that he does not cry like oour two former coaches. I hated to even look at Vermeil lol.
BigMikeinKC's Avatar
I have a hard time even enjoying going to a game at Arrowhead anymore. Too many drunken assholes. You can't even take your kids there anymore. Its hard to enjoy the game when some clown next to you is swearing and sloshing his beer on you. I'll admit I even let loose a curse word every now and then, but the entire game? If you say anything, they want to fight - well I'm not a high school punk anymore, I've grown past that mentality. It use to be a classy place to go, but not anymore.

Sure when they play poorly, I drink more - but I'm a happy drunk.

If I want to see obnoxious behavior from fans and fights, I'll go to a hockey game.
KCJoe's Avatar
  • KCJoe
  • 11-17-2010, 09:24 AM
I turned the game on late and saw the Chiefs were behind 20 something in the first quarter. Turned it off because I knew I'd just get upset if I watched the whole game. Don't think I'll watch another game this season. Had offers of free tickets from a friend, but like Mike says, the Arrowhead experiance is not what it used to be.
Even though their last game was not their best, we all have to admit they have made Great strides this season. It's so easy to get hooked on what they do wrong instead of focusing on this...They aren't a huge disappointment again this year. If that's all we get this year, then I can live & be happy with that.
Even though their last game was not their best, we all have to admit they have made Great strides this season. It's so easy to get hooked on what they do wrong instead of focusing on this...They aren't a huge disappointment again this year. If that's all we get this year, then I can live & be happy with that. Originally Posted by MaliceInWonderland

True! Im surprised we have not heard from the queen about it, but she is probably busy.

Hopefully with the new addition to the team we can get a win this week.
Thequeen's Avatar
I have not commented on it cause i dont know where to start and Im pretty upset bout it.... The raider game I knew would be close but denver..... I dont even want to think bout it... Ill post after this weeks game.. Hopefully i wont need a new tv when its over!!