The Walking Dead on AMC

Adrielle's Avatar
I will be the first to admit I watch entirely too much television. I keep an odd sleep schedule so in the middle of the night my DVR and the On Demand menu are my best friends. But with Mad Men wrapped up I haven't paid much attention to AMC since. I watched The Walking Dead for the first time the other night, and have been hooked since. It's fantastic. Has anyone else been watching?
Precious_b's Avatar
Have been here.

But you should do what I did. My uncle has never seen MM and I started watching the whole series from the beginning. Even though i've already seen it, there is quite a few things I forgot and some loose ends tied up. It is quite enjoyable the second time around.
Adrielle's Avatar
That's actually what I do with most shows, start from the beginning and go all the way through. I'm working my way through Rescue Me right now. I hate trying to jump into a show as I never can figure out what's going on. I tried watching Lost during its last season and my head spun.

This season ending of Mad Men killed me a bit though, and there are rumors that it may not return for a 5th season.
Precious_b's Avatar
I always like catching shows in syndication (sp).
Get to check it out alot faster.

But there are not that many things I like to watch on TV.

And rarely rent movies but they finally hooked me at BlockBuster with the $20 thing since seeing the whole series would cost more than my usual once/twice month rental

So, i'm lining up to see The Pacific (which you can tell a difference in BluRay) and finding some old ones i've been wanting to see (The Wild Bunch in particular.)

Gotta keep tabs on yourself, the tube will sap your time
My DVR is set for so many shows its going to blow up one day. But, I do love watching The Walking Dead. I just started last night watching Mad Men from the beginning. But, I also started watching a couple other series from the beginning too. Its what I do in my down time or laid up in bed.
nsafun05's Avatar
The acting on the show isn't the best, but I'm hooked
fml's Avatar
  • fml
  • 11-22-2010, 09:26 AM
I guess I will need to watch this show now.. this is the 3rd board that has brought this up... and I only frequent a few boards.. ( this is the only "hobby" board though) LOL...
john_galt's Avatar
There are a couple of flaws in the plot and background. Almost fatal flaws...
This is set in or near Atlanta, GA. The south! The survivors are running around with hand tools and cross bows. The point has been made that they don't have enough guns. This is the south! Guns! You could go around and in a couple of hours going through peoples house you would have a plethora of weapons and ammo.
Same problem with Jericho. A town of 3,000 with only hunting rifles and very few of them in Kansas.
A couple of decades ago they ran something called 1870s house on PBS. The critics loved its authenticity even when the bear killed one of their few cattle and the family stood by and watched. No guns on the prairie in 1870 I suppose.
Why can't Hollywood write for outside Hollywood?

That having been said, I like the show and know it is based on a comic book. Still I wonder why they don't secure an area and clean out the zombies. Kind of like those faux gangbangers did this week.