How often would you want to see the same gentleman?

PoppyToyota's Avatar
How often would you want to see the same gentleman?

Let's set a standard benchmark and assume that the guy is an average sort of fellow who can afford to pay your rate to see you everyday if he wanted and that he was freshly showered before he showed up showed up sober, on time and could still get it up - as a minimum.

Would you be content to see him every day, every week or twice a week or would you prefer him to space it out a little to keep it fresh?

Be honest, not political. Honest communication will improve the hobby on both sides of the fence.

Even he if wanted to see you everyday would you think "oh, it's him again" or would you be flattered by his loyalty?
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-27-2009, 06:39 AM
well poppy, I have to say I love my regulars.....I have some clients that know my off days and book way a head of time just to insure they get the time they want...its wonderful the more they come the more comfort level there is and the better the sex gets and that is where the real GFE comes into play...I dont really have to worry about anyone crossing the line and getting to personal...we are both are very secure adults in what we are doing but sometimes they do forget it is a session and walk out the door with out paying me and then get to there car and call me....i just laugh....ok honey..... so the every week or two weeks is cool with me....
Would have responded but Fawn already stated just about everything
I would have said (and probably better too)! LOL
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I thought the answer might be pretty obvious but, I was trying to think of something hobby related to talk about. I can converse on a wide variety of subjects but hobby related material doesn't come to me as natural. Thank you ladies for your input.
Well obviously I am not a provider but from a hobbyist point of view, I won't see a provider more than twice now. Anything more will lead to something I experienced first hand four years ago with a Houston provider.

At this point in my life, I am not interested in getting a repeat performance of what happened back then hence I just prevent anything like that from occurring now by not seeing a provider more than twice regardless of how well we connect or how hot the time is when we are together. Actually, if we connect on anything more than a business level and have a very erotic, hot time, I won't see her twice and there have been several that I have done this with already since I came out of retirement this past March to deal with side issues that persist due to a certain someone’s(not me) personal problems.

In this situation, in my opinion, it is far better to be safe than sorry.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Depends on the hobbyist. Sometimes they get infatuated as well. So, if you're good at reading people and both parties enjoy each other's company often and understand that friendship and support can be maintained in this biz and are WAAAAYYYY different than infatuation or love, then more than once a week is AWESOME!! I guess what I'm trying to say is, if a hobbyist shows too much lovey dovey interest, it can be as disconcerting as when the females do so to the gents. Most of us are not here to find a real time BF or someone to date and share our lives with, but rather to provide (and receive) an awesome experience with the level headed hobbyists who "get it". Hardly seems fair to the gents that we actualy receive what we do to have all this FUN, but that won't keep me from doing what I do...LOL! Always try to keep in is what it is.

So, to answer the question.....weekly or more often if the hobbyist is a level headed individual who enjoys my company and luvin', but doesn't push it emotionally. Far in between if the Hobbyist is all douhgy eyed (everyone here knows that look) every time he gazes into your eyes, calls you or texts you all day, offers to be your booty call (that was rich) or stands outside on your incall patio in the middle of the night for no apparent reason (this activity will definitely get you BANNED)...:-(
Fawn said exactly what I would have said...weekly or every other week is perfect for me. The intimate time only gets better the more you know someone.
  • SummerBella
  • 07-31-2009, 02:54 PM
I think once a week would be nice!