Review Sites

Introuble's Avatar
I have always noticed that some providers list links to their reviews from their websites. Obviously the two big ones are T#R and A##P. Is there a motivation to only use T#R and not the other? It seems I see a lot of websites that only list one site for reviews.

Along with the fact that one is somewhat sterile and the other is a big discussion board, and on T#R there is NO discussion about the provider other than the review is there something else. Do they have easier access to the BCD info?

Just curious to see if anyone had any ideas relating to this most recent brain fart I have suffered.
Short answer is the traveling men are more familiar with TER and comfortable with it.
Introuble's Avatar
If one is looking for the Traveler market, then I guess that would make sense.
  • YSD
  • 07-28-2009, 03:50 PM
When I traveled extensivley I relied on TER. It is really accurate when one is dropping into a strange city for a day or two. Just like this site and the competitor, you learn who the guys are that write accurate reviews and can get a pretty good handle on the chicks in a certain locale that way.

One other thing about TER, I really like the point system they use. I wish this site had that feature. When dropping into a city I would do an advanced search using the scale of of 8 to 10 for everything---looks and performance. I really like how a list of girls fitting your criteria pops up---and the best thing is that it is usally pretty accurate.

When trolling locally eccie is the best (I know... it was a cheap and gratuitous plug but I could not help it).
Another feature I find handy on TER and TOB when I travel is I can pull up reviews on a provider I'm interested in and all her reviews are laid out to look at and average out. Both of those sites have a policy of reviews standing alone, with no comments by others.
That cuts out both drama and the wanna be pimp/promoter types that are predators especially with the young providers, telling them how they will promote them (for free pussy).
Introuble~ The big difference from the ladies' point of view is that we can't read the BCD on A*** unless a gentleman is thoughful enough to send us the entire review before he posts it.

T** permits a lady to read her own reviews in their entirety without any VIP payment and a lady could buy VIP membership to be able to read every review in its entirety.
Chevalier's Avatar
T** permits a lady to read her own reviews in their entirety without any VIP payment Originally Posted by HoneyRose
From some of the statements that ladies have made over there, I had that impression. Thanks for the confirmation.
She needs to ask to have her username linked to her reviews and then everytime she logs in her own "The Juicy Details" are visable.

Another aspect I like about T*** is it's very easy for me to know when I have a new T*** review. I just click on the link in any of my posts on the discussion board there, and voila! my page appears with all reviews listed.

On A*** searching on "honey" "*rose" brings up a lot of reviews that aren't mine because the words are used so often. (oh, and then I have to do a search on "Honeyrose" also).

For the ladies whose names can be spelled in different ways it can be even more of a detective game ~ some reviewers might spell "Ashley" without the "e" for example. And the ones who make up names are shooting themselves in the foot because the spelling is so tricky~ putting 2, 3, or 4 X's in the middle, etc.
  • YSD
  • 07-30-2009, 08:50 AM
HoneyRose, you hit the nail on the head. Searching for anything on the competitor site is a real bitch--the spelling, the funky use of characters when the rules don't apply, the diferent spellings. totally user non frinedly.
Introuble's Avatar
Introuble~ The big difference from the ladies' point of view is that we can't read the BCD on A*** unless a gentleman is thoughful enough to send us the entire review before he posts it.

T** permits a lady to read her own reviews in their entirety without any VIP payment and a lady could buy VIP membership to be able to read every review in its entirety. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
Thats why I asked the question. I did not know thaI can see why the ladies like it for those reasons, but I cannot stand T**. They are idiots. I submitted two indy reviews, 10 days later they still have not posted them and continue saying they are "massage parlors". These were reviews of two indy providers that advertise on BP as indy's but yet the Dumb asses at T** do not know the difference. Never have liked them.