what do women want from men ?

VitaMan's Avatar
Aside from the painfully obvious answer (money), what is it that women want
from men ? Men are pretty much focused on a good body, and some companionship. And women seem to know that.

It may be impossible to generalize what women want, why they have any interest in men, or like them. Items:

- protection
- companionship
- status
- removing feeling of loneliness, almost same as companionship
- take care of the pussy
- chance to have babies without worry
- chance to have a more interesting life

One girl summed it up as a man was like having a pick up truck around. Dependable, body similar to work and look like a pick up truck.

My sister happily married a stable professional man. For 10 years, it was good. After 4 kids, and she realizing her life was going to be taking care of kids, she turned into a complete witch.
08cris's Avatar
You're on a hooker board and you're asking this.......
Bill T. Cat's Avatar
It's a common theme with this dude, he must be house bound and dreaming.

I've been reading stuff on this board for a few days, this thread starter, I am sure has no life.
loveboydodo's Avatar
OP, you answered yourself!
Caligula1's Avatar
Sir going off to a party tonight. But thought to provide you some encouragement. Please go out often and have some fun.

To answer your question...even on this board...they are looking for someone dependable to take care of them socially and economically. It does not have to be a lot always...the question for you is that can you do that...can you pull off a pretty woman scenario even if not on that scale...

Have a good evening...sir...till your next post....
  • pxmcc
  • 02-25-2017, 11:09 PM
Ignore the haters sir!

You would be surprised. My favorite regular, whom I took to Vegas for N.Y., said if I woulda..., she woulda....

I said, "You're kidding, right?"

She was like, "No."

Damn. Now she got a baby daddy. It's complicated.

If you have a dream, motherfucking go for it, no matter how crazy. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. You only get 1 go-round.
pyramider's Avatar
The ladies want my legendary 1.3" of dangling death.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
The thing women want from men: Power over them. All the other stuff flows from that.
The thing women want from men: Power over them. All the other stuff flows from that. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I think the chart seperates at that point.... with women who want money/protection/companionship/security (which basically means money) or then the other side of the chart.. you bring a good point... Power over them, and there are quite a few examples on Eccie
Integrity Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
This, unfortunately, is a quality hard to find with anybody... GREAT answer though
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Integrity Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
That is a quality that can only be intrinsic, from herownself; not from anyone else, not even a man.
DocHolyday's Avatar
I'm sure they all want to experience Doc's tube steak & to spend some quality time time with Ol' Doc to share our inner most feelings and life experiences....NOT!!!!!! Wake up OP!! This is a hooker board! These chicks want Benjis and your azz out the door quickly as possible!!! That's IT & the reality!! Live with it or go sign up with Match.com!!
Caligula1's Avatar
+ 1 guys. Good input Pxmcc. Was wondering if sir jojo and rayg07 will provide some input too. They always have something constructive and innovative.

Pxmcc I had a similar experience few years back and this lady is going to be graduating this December to become a doctor....wow...