What about BFE?

Mesquitor's Avatar
The thread discussing the GFE experience was quite interesting. It got me to thinking about some of my experiences and discussions that I have had with a couple of ladies I've seen.

I am one who likes to "know the lady" . . . understand how she ticks and get inside her head a bit. During one discussion with a provider I'm very comfortable with, we were talking about her and I learned that she has not had the best luck with personal relationships. I asked her if she ever yearned for a BFE (boyfriend experience) during sessions and she got a little quiet and then admitted that she did.

That opened up a whole new world in our "professional relationship". Cuddling, stroking her hair, kissing softly on the cheek, lightly touching her face . . . I guess one could call it the "illusion of emotion" to give her what she misses - and to be honest, I love it! It adds a lot to the GFE experience.

I thought this might be the start of another deep conversation that would help me to get to know some of the ladies on here. Of course, you guys can chime in as well.
fawn's Avatar
  • fawn
  • 07-31-2009, 03:57 PM
well this provider world is just like the real world, youre always going to connect with someone....
i do have a few that when their numbers pops up on my phone i smile, and when they get to the door we lock lips like
my boyfriend or husband just got back from out of town....like a real couple .... and then we get all silly and and then we play alittle
and then we get down to the real hot and passionate love making...ok i should change that to session,and after he leaves I think damn that was hot!!!!!!!!!! but someone has to remember that is all it is... a session..because when he walks out that door he is going home to his family and i go on with my life till next time....but hell ya i have had some BFE
Interesting topic Mesquitor. Eveyone, even escorts, need love, tenderness and a connection. That GFE thread was what the guys thought GFE meant while this is a topic that I know I won’t get into for a variety of reasons. What Fawn wrote about it being just another session is correct.
Mesquitor's Avatar
I fully understand that it's just a session. I guess my point was that . . . I guess I'm not really sure what my point was.

But it seemed an interesting subject and I was hoping to get some input from the ladies.
I understand your point Mesquitor and I think it is a good one. I am sure the responses from the women will be as enlightening as you hope.
guest83109's Avatar
Ok, y'all twisted my arm. I am now offering all the BFE menu items. I promise I won't turn my head away and dream about sitting on my favorite beach drinking a margarita while you mercilessly fuck me silly.