Tan Lines or No Tan Lines....

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Tan Lines or Not So Much?!!?

I'm having new photos taken in a month or so. And I was just wondering how you guys feel about women with tan lines? Because, I've gottem!!

I get my color from a tanning bed during the cooler months.
But in the Summer time....

You can forget that! I am in the POOL!!!

I get Most if not All of my color while I'm playing water volleyball, or laying out.

But, I have to admit....I really don't think tan lines Look that great. I don't like my Big Ol breast being white! And, I really hate my cheeks being that white! But, that's just me.
(Haaa, I said But..t)

So, here's the thing.. I need to start tanning in the bed Now so, I can fill in the ass and boobs...
Or, I take this next batch of photos With my tan lines.

I just don't know!!?! What do you guys think?? Do you like them? Or..not so much?

guest83109's Avatar
I doubt any of us are going to object much. Your examples are all nice. I prefer no tan lines, but I understand why you would prefer pool tanning in the summer. I also prefer light to medium tan, rather than well done. Just some color to give you a healthy glow. I am in the process of building a volleyball pool. Maybe I ought to offer my favorites the opportunity to pool tan nude and play pool volleyball in the nude in my pool next summer. Purely an unselfish gesture on my part.
Tan lines!! No doubt about it.
PoppyToyota's Avatar
I'm really not a fan of tan lines but, for you, I'll make an exception.
Hell, I am just happy to have the opportunity to check whether or not you have tan lines!

Given a preference, I like medium tan lines.
TexEngnr's Avatar
Take the photos with tan lines, then put up pics with and without for review. Any number of us will volunteer to render our opinions.

Nothing like a scientific approach.
Introuble's Avatar
When I am with a provider, tan lines are not even on the radar in my brain. Not sure why anyone would care one way or another. Its not why I am there.
otrdriver's Avatar
Kelly why not just play volleyball with a string bikini or one of those brazilian bikinis then you won't have to worry bout tan lines. just thinking of you!
1thatgotaway's Avatar
I don't think tan lines make enough difference to impact your hottness. That being said all else equal I prefer no tan lines (unless i get to hang out at the pool with you when you get them ) .

Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-03-2009, 08:08 AM
Tan line are ok unless there is a major contrast difference. Slight tan lines can look sexy. Then again Kelly, you look sexy regardless!! What ever you decide to do we will like!
Mesquitor's Avatar
As self proclaimed president of your fan club, I can say without hesitation that it doesn't matter. Do what makes you happy - you're gorgeous either way.

Hell, you'd be gorgeous in a burlap sack!
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 08-03-2009, 09:15 AM
I prefer no tan lines.
My devious mind is thinking it would make the sweet spot easier to find in the Dark.
Hardhat644's Avatar
Good point SP, I prefer tan lines, but on you I don't think it would matter much.

TexEngnr's Avatar
Hardhat - you are not referring to tan lines on SPH are you? Gasp.