Inappropriate Erections

Kelly TNT's Avatar
Sometimes He Really Does Have a Mind of His Own.....

I have this incredible nack for making certain clients "Excited" (again) as they are Juuuuust about to walk out the door!

Not the best time for an erection to be "Popping Up". That's a Long walk back to the car! (Sometimes, even With Out the Stiffy)

What has been your Most, N.R.B. No Reason Boner moment
(What the hell?),
or inappropriate erection moment???

~Kelly TNT
I've had plenty of NRB's, but the most inappropriate would have to be when any of my SO's friends come over... Well, inappropriate from my SO's point of view. I could really care less. If a hard-on isn't appropriate in your own home, then when is it?
guest83109's Avatar
I did not know a biological response to visual stimuli had moral implications. In high school, I was a walking erection and was always carrying a book to hide it. Now I'm proud when the little guy responds like he did in high school and proudly strut around, glad I'm still alive. There are now no inappropriate erections.
No longer have that problem. I am now just concerned with appropriate boners.
Introuble's Avatar
I notice he has is "rudder" in the streamlined less drag position.
5150's Avatar
  • 5150
  • 08-06-2009, 02:05 PM
I was presenting in front of a couple of hundred people and there were several very attractive ladies sitting in the front row. Two of them had hem lines up around the thigh and blouses were unbuttoned to damn near the middle of the chest, affording me a fantastic view.

Well Ivan went into Terrible mode and (schwinng) there it is. Needless to say I am trying to get over to the podium to adjust while trying not to draw attention needless to say almost everyone figured out what was going on.

After my presentation the prudish women scowled at me like I was diseased, the younger guys teased me unmercifully, the older guys cheered, and the two teases in the front who caused the problem bought me a drink leaving drunk and horny
I was presenting in front of a couple of hundred people and there were several very attractive ladies sitting in the front row. Two of them had hem lines up around the thigh and blouses were unbuttoned to damn near the middle of the chest, affording me a fantastic view.

Well Ivan went into Terrible mode and (schwinng) there it is. Needless to say I am trying to get over to the podium to adjust while trying not to draw attention needless to say almost everyone figured out what was going on.

After my presentation the prudish women scowled at me like I was diseased, the younger guys teased me unmercifully, the older guys cheered, and the two teases in the front who caused the problem bought me a drink leaving drunk and horny Originally Posted by 5150
LMAO! That was great.. sound effects and all.

But you bring more attention to yourself when you start walking. So then the question becomes do you walk regular and hope no one notices, or walk awkwardly which does bring attention but possibly conceals the johnson? Neither has ever worked for me.
Kelly, you have a dirty mind.......I love it.
Me, I'm also concerned with getting one at the appropriate time, but I occaisionally get to experience an inappropriate one. So let's give it a shot Kelly.
Bubba's Avatar
  • Bubba
  • 08-06-2009, 04:52 PM
I'm getting one just thinking about Kelly!!!

When I was in my teens I had to really concentrate so I wouldn't get a woody everytime I slow danced. You haven't been embarrassed until you are in the middle of a school dance and the girl you are dancing with shrieks, jumps back away from you and points an overly excited Bubba Jr out to the whole world. No place to go, no place to hide!!
  • Shaft
  • 08-06-2009, 08:01 PM
Kelly, my most embarrassing is with my doctor. She is HOT
That's why I'm always on the HUNT so there's a place to hide it.