Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives?

Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives?

Most you of are not interested in facts, but they are indisputable. Times have changed brothers, old white guys whining about the old days on talk radio is not going to carry Trump or any other election coming up. And maybe you could get more pussy if you wised up.

....and que the hate comments
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Wow, a bunch of liberals conduct a study and find out they are smarter than anyone else. I'm shocked!

I wonder if ReasonTV, the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation would duplicate the results?
Wow, a bunch of liberals conduct a study and find out they are smarter than anyone else. I'm shocked!

I wonder if ReasonTV, the Cato Institute and the Heritage Foundation would duplicate the results? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The more education you get get the less conservative you are. Check it.
lustylad's Avatar
Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives?

https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog...-conservatives Originally Posted by Seeker
Can someone dig up all the previous threads on this hackneyed and thoroughly discredited topic? I don't have the patience to beat a dead horse. Better to simply point "Seeker" to all those stupid trollish old threads (most of which he started under different handles).
GingerKatt's Avatar
I heard several years ago, that an independent group did a survey and a study, and found out that liberals are more inclined to go to college, and many wind up getting advanced degrees like Masters and PHD's, and medical and law degrees. And many of these were actually Republicans when they started school, but were Liberal Democrats when they finished.
The poll group concluded that people become more liberal the more educated they become. Makes sense to me, and I have noticed it in my personal life.

GingerKatt's Avatar
The more education you get get the less conservative you are. Check it. Originally Posted by Seeker

I heard several years ago, that an independent group did a survey and a study, and found out that liberals are more inclined to go to college, and many wind up getting advanced degrees like Masters and PHD's, and medical and legal degrees.
Many were actually Republicans when they started school, but were Liberal Democrats when they finished.
The polling group did conclude that people become more liberal the more educated they are. Makes sense to me, and I have noticed this in my personal life as well.
LexusLover's Avatar
Why are liberals more intelligent than conservatives? Originally Posted by Seeker
There are always exceptions to every rule.

This one believes she can have only one email account on her IPhone.
GingerKatt's Avatar
I heard several years ago, that an independent group did a survey and a study, and found out that liberals are more inclined to go to college, and many wind up getting advanced degrees like Masters and PHD's, and medical and law degrees. And many of these were actually Republicans when they started school, but were Liberal Democrats when they finished.
The poll group concluded that people become more liberal the more educated they become. Makes sense to me, and I have noticed it in my personal life.

OOPS, DOUBLE POST. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
There are always exceptions to every rule.

This one believes she can have only one email account on her IPhone. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Ha Ha. That is such old news and I don't even think it's relevant . And she is highly educated.

LexusLover's Avatar
Ha Ha. That is such old news and I don't even think it's relevant . And she is highly educated. Originally Posted by GingerKatt
How old are these studies that liberals have to keep posting about in an attempt to bolster their self-perceived superiority in order to appear "relevant"?

As long as she's running for POTUS ... it's "relevant"!

"she is highly educated" .... really?
GingerKatt's Avatar
How old are these studies that liberals have to keep posting about in an attempt to bolster their self-perceived superiority in order to appear "relevant"?

As long as she's running for POTUS ... it's "relevant"!

"she is highly educated" .... really? Originally Posted by LexusLover

I must admit that I read about that study several years ago, but I don't think the information has changed.

And yes. She is highly educated, as well as already having 8 years inside the white house. She knows the job of POTUS very well.

And there is no one left to vote for. The remaining candidates are a joke, and certainly not equipped to be President.
In my opinion of course. People feel strongly about politics. So it's not something I will spend a lot of time discussing. You just can't change people's minds very easily.

Who is your candidate of choice?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-03-2016, 04:38 AM

I heard several years ago, that an independent group did a survey and a study, and found out that liberals are more inclined to go to college, and many wind up getting advanced degrees like Masters and PHD's, and medical and legal degrees.
Many were actually Republicans when they started school, but were Liberal Democrats when they finished.
The polling group did conclude that people become more liberal the more educated they are. Makes sense to me, and I have noticed this in my personal life as well. Originally Posted by GingerKatt


I think a few thoughts in your posts deserves a longer reply, but I do not have the time at the moment. I do want to toss out a couple very quick points:

--Universities are generally more liberal than conservative, so during very formative times people spending 4+ years in that environment will tend to drift that way because it is what they are exposed to more. That is not a statement of good or evil, more basic thermodynamics.

--For many people, going to college--especially the bigger schools--is the first time they are exposed to a wide diversity of people. When you see people in person it is more difficult to hate them as nameless groups. Some still do, and some intensify their hate, but generally if "I" interact with "you" one-on-one my opinion of you goes up, not down (and I expect a flood of individual counter examples to pour in shortly form the Wacko fringes here).

--This board is NOT a representative cross section of the US population. So do not be surprised that the reaction to your post is far more negative than positive. It has less to do with whether your statement is correct, and more to do with whether it fits the preset ideology of the board demographics.

--REP and DEM to college age students means very, very different things than REP and DEM to the "adults" who spend far too much of their lives on this board.
LexusLover's Avatar


--This board is NOT a representative cross section of the US population. So do not be surprised that the reaction to your post is far more negative than positive. It has less to do with whether your statement is correct, and more to do with whether it fits the preset ideology of the board demographics.
Originally Posted by Old-T
Of course, "Ginger" didn't post on this board for information....neither did the OP!

But that's why Liberals "assume" the "responsibility" of thinking for everyone else ... they begin with the dismissive concept they are "qualified" to do so!

In her enthusiasm to express her support for Hillarious-No-More ... she actually demonstrates how much of a CROOK Hillarious-No-More is ....

.. since she is so intelligent and "shovel ready" for the White House ...

all the shit she is spewed over the years are intentional lies .... to deceive!

From .... being shot at by a sniper on the tarmac, to not knowing the cancelled checks being subpoenaed were in the shoe boxes in her White House closet, to the Great Right Wing conspiracy to accuse her "husband" of getting blow jobs in the White House, to trying to sign up for the Marine Corps but being rejected because she "was" a female, to the video caused Benghazi, to he Iphone will only accept one email account, blah, blah blah!

And Ginger believes she's the only choice! And Ginger knows! She's a liberal!!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Is this your idea of what intelligence is?

GingerKatt's Avatar
Of course, "Ginger" didn't post on this board for information....neither did the OP!

But that's why Liberals "assume" the "responsibility" of thinking for everyone else ... they begin with the dismissive concept they are "qualified" to do so!

In her enthusiasm to express her support for Hillarious-No-More ... she actually demonstrates how much of a CROOK Hillarious-No-More is ....

.. since she is so intelligent and "shovel ready" for the White House ...

all the shit she is spewed over the years are intentional lies .... to deceive!

From .... being shot at by a sniper on the tarmac, to not knowing the cancelled checks being subpoenaed were in the shoe boxes in her White House closet, to the Great Right Wing conspiracy to accuse her "husband" of getting blow jobs in the White House, to trying to sign up for the Marine Corps but being rejected because she "was" a female, to the video caused Benghazi, to he Iphone will only accept one email account, blah, blah blah!

And Ginger believes she's the only choice! And Ginger knows! She's a liberal!!!!! Originally Posted by LexusLover

You made a lot of assumptions about me that are not true. And not only that, you did it in a snarky, nasty way, that makes me want to not listen to your opinions. And that's a shame, because I certainly never implied that I was a political expert or that I know everything about Hillary Clinton.

Unlike most people, I can take in new information and I can actually change my opinion if I respect the person I'm exchanging information with. And I never labeled myself a liberal.

I did ask who your choice was and you couldn't even answer. Until I know more about all the candidates, at this time I do believe Clinton is the better choice. But I am certainly willing to listen and process opposing opinions.

I thought Old-T was polite and articulate and seemed intelligent. And he made several points that I hadn't thought of and that I agree with 100%. He seems like a thoughtful, well informed man who is intelligent enough to express his views in a way that got my full attention, made me think, and he did this without one nasty word to me or putting me down. I would like to hear more about what he has to say, and I hope later on today, he has time to write a longer response or to PM me.

But I don't really want to hear more from you, even if you have information that may change my mind. I was nothing but polite to you, and I have always respected everyone's right to express their views and opinions, this is America. And I'm not too stubborn to take in intelligent opinions. But the way you expressed yourself to me in your last post offended me, and I don't need any of that in my life. You can't state your views succinctly and change people's minds, when you're mean and unpleasant. You seem to think you know me, from the 3 or 4 posts I contributed but I'm much more complicated than a few words on Eccie. You shouldn't make assumptions, or attempt to throw stones and hurt people.