Charles Barkley speaks the truth!

bambino's Avatar

He’ll probably get fired soon.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

He’ll probably get fired soon. Originally Posted by bambino
please post title next time.

Charles Barkley Says Politicians Want Black People and White People to Hate Each Other

yeah, been noticing that. at least 1/3 of the blacks hate whites.
rexdutchman's Avatar
He's correct all about POWER AND CONTROL , we to busy fighting each other to see whats really happining
winn dixie's Avatar

He’ll probably get fired soon. Originally Posted by bambino
Have always liked Charles for not holding back! Wish more people would listen and take him more seriously!
I hope Charles doesnt see any repercussions!
yeah, they'll punch his black card for it and cancel him

He’ll probably get fired soon. Originally Posted by bambino
He's absolutely right. What better way to control the masses is to have them at odds with each other so the real enemy isn't noticed.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
yeah, been noticing that. at least 1/3 of the blacks hate whites. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Have you noticed the percentage of whites, who hate blacks?
winn dixie's Avatar
Have you noticed the percentage of whites, who hate blacks? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
what aboutism. Deflection and denial! Its all whiteys fault!

TryWeakly's Avatar
Have always liked Charles for not holding back! Wish more people would listen and take him more seriously!
I hope Charles doesnt see any repercussions! Originally Posted by winn dixie
Like what? Sitting out a game ?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Have you noticed the percentage of whites, who hate blacks? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
0-0.1% maybe? I don’t think I’ve met a white person who hates black people. The totality of actual “white supremacists” in the US would approximately fill a moderately sized high school gymnasium, or Robert Byrd’s backyard.
Have you noticed the percentage of whites, who hate blacks? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
0-0.1% maybe? I don’t think I’ve met a white person who hates black people. The totality of actual “white supremacists” in the US would approximately fill a moderately sized high school gymnasium, or Robert Byrd’s backyard. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
I feel like people don't critically think about this enough. Basic, entry level bigotry really is just people equating the color of your skin or something about your looks to a culture, and they don't like that culture.

The generalization portion where you equate a person's looks to their culture is the part about bigotry that's wrong.

The part about not liking someone's culture is fine, and that's what libs don't understand.

Before you start pinning swastikas on me, answer me this:

How do you feel about cultures that perform female circumcision, also known as FGM?

I'm personally against it. I'm sure many of you are too. But going into countries and trying to get them to change their culture because they do something you don't like is the same thing as me going into a Black neighborhood and trying to convince them to act white.

You can dislike someone's culture. It's ok. What's not ok is multiculturalism, because:

A.) it fails to acknowledge that some cultures have differing views on things to a level of conflict.

B.) Some cultures literally develop due to direct conflict with one another.

c.) It takes a very ivory towered "White Man's Burden" arrogance that cultures should be forced to change to be more cooperative.

Look at all the racial categories we have, and look at the ones who are the most successful in our culture:

White European Americans have been around each other long enough here in the US that the lines have blurred between the different European cultures and now everyone's just lumped together as "White" even though 100 years ago you'd get shit on for being Irish, Italian, or German. Overall "whites" are doing fine.

Next best? Asians. Despite the shit they went through, they've assimilated really well, and are doing really well for themselves too.

Latinos? Doing ok. Usually takes a generation or two. Illegal immigration is actually a huge setback to their assimilation as they've slipped through the cracks, and are working exploitive jobs that don't give them enough time to work on assimilating, but when they do, they do well.

Who's having the hardest time? Blacks and Natives. Why? Oppositional cultures. Yes, they absolutely catch a lot of shit and have unnecessarily hard lives. But the ones who usually do the best, particularly in the long run, are the ones who leave their cultures behind and embrace "white european culture". What's holding them back? Opportunity, yes. The other thing that's holding them back is their community. White people don't insult or denigrate you for acting white, blacks do that to other blacks, and natives do that to other natives. They hold each other back because they dislike whites so much they can't stand it when they see one of their own embrace it, even if it leads to that persons' success and rise from poverty.

It's the same with the sexes too. "Toxic Masculinity" tries to keep men in a small confined space that isn't necessarily healthy for them. The number 1 thing that hurts feminism and pulls women down is other women backstabbing each other.

You can either have multiculturalism and eternal cultural warfare, or you can have cultural assimilation and peace.
Lucas McCain's Avatar
I don't think many people take Charles Barkley that seriously. He is entertaining but that's about it. His predictions are pretty much always wrong about basketball games. I wouldn't expect better about any of his thoughts about politics.

His job status will be just fine. He has always been extremely outspoken about various topics because he simply doesn't give a fuck what people think. He says what he wants to say and could not care less whether anyone likes it or not.

He was working the NCAA title game for a reason. His bosses know he is very opinionated, but he is well liked so they take the good along with his perceived bad by some of his occasional controversial comments.
bambino's Avatar
I don't think many people take Charles Barkley that seriously. He is entertaining but that's about it. His predictions are pretty much always wrong about basketball games. I wouldn't expect better about any of his thoughts about politics.

His job status will be just fine. He has always been extremely outspoken about various topics because he simply doesn't give a fuck what people think. He says what he wants to say and could not care less whether anyone likes it or not.

He was working the NCAA title game for a reason. His bosses know he is very opinionated, but he is well liked so they take the good along with his perceived bad by some of his occasional controversial comments. Originally Posted by Lucas McCain
His comments weren’t controversial, they were fact. Just goes to show you a guy who went to Auburn has more sense than Ivy Leaguers.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
The part about not liking someone's culture is fine, and that's what libs don't understand.
That’s exactly right. There’s plenty of cultural stuff I don’t like. Walking around with your pants a foot below your waist with half your ass sticking out. Popping out a bunch of kids you have no means to support. Fathering a bunch of kids you have no intention to support. Butchering the English language.Denigrating people who value education. Ruining the ride of a $90k Escalade with Z30s. None of that is racist, I’d knock my own kid upside his head for doing moronic stuff like that.
rexdutchman's Avatar
The "Woke" idiots gonna cancel him