Stone is the Swamp

HedonistForever's Avatar
doesn't matter. if the orginal crime was faked, stone still lied to congress.

that's the thinking of the swamp.

While Trump commuted stone's sentence to zero prison time, he's still a convicted criminal.

I think his lawyers will appeal his conviction to appeals court.

Stone is a weird guy, its obvious that he likes to grandstand, his conviction should be thrown out. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

And if EVERYBODY that lied to Congress was charged, I would have no problem but when Hillary lied to Congress, was she charged? When Clapper lied to Congress, was he charged? Either everybody gets charged or nobody gets charged.

And BTW, there was no original crime or he would have been charged with that too. To my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong, everything Stone was charged with happened after they brought him in.
lustylad's Avatar
And BTW, there was no original crime or he would have been charged with that too. To my knowledge, correct me if I'm wrong, everything Stone was charged with happened after they brought him in. Originally Posted by HedonistForever
You're right... Did you know Mueller sprang more federal agents on Roger Stone's pre-dawn raid than the number of Navy seals that were employed to take out UBL in Abbottabad?

And they took EVERYTHING out of his house they could lay their grubby hands on, including a ton of digital evidence like hard drives, etc. Even after hauling all of it away to FBI forensic labs, they found zero evidence of Russian collusion.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
You're right... Did you know Mueller sprang more federal agents on Roger Stone's pre-dawn raid than the number of Navy seals that were employed to take out UBL in Abbottabad?

And they took EVERYTHING out of his house they could lay their grubby hands on, including a ton of digital evidence like hard drives, etc. Even after hauling all of it away to FBI forensic labs, they found zero evidence of Russian collusion. Originally Posted by lustylad

because there was no collusion. even a few of the Anti-Trumpers who post here know that. yet some here still cling to the belief Putin had to help Trump or how could Trump win?

let's apply Occam's razor shall we?

which is more likely? that there was this vast collusion between Trump and Russia where millions were spent on facebook and various media that clearly swayed voters into voting for Trump where they obviously wouldn't have and yet after 4 years not one credible piece of evidence has yet emerged or ...

this bitch was the best the DNC could do ...

i rest my case

JCM800's Avatar
Ripmany's Avatar
I like stones in the stwamp my only hope for traction.
HedonistForever's Avatar
because there was no collusion. even a few of the Anti-Trumpers who post here know that. yet some here still cling to the belief Putin had to help Trump or how could Trump win?

let's apply Occam's razor shall we?

which is more likely? that there was this vast collusion between Trump and Russia where millions were spent on facebook and various media that clearly swayed voters into voting for Trump where they obviously wouldn't have and yet after 4 years not one credible piece of evidence has yet emerged or ...
Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid

But most if not all of them believe Adam Schiff, STILL, that the evidence is there, it is just being kept from them. Even though they were told that not a single person that Schiff interviewed said they had any evidence but at the time, that was secret so Schiff kept saying he had the evidence, it had been given to him by the people he was interviewing. He lied but the Left simply does not care.

One of the lefties said in another post that the SDNY still had indictments coming as if any of them will prove conspiracy between Trump and Russia to interfere in the election.

I think they actually believe that if they can just get that evidence that Trump wanted to build a hotel in Russia AH HA!, they would have him. Trouble is, it would not be illegal to build a hotel in Russia and it wouldn't prove a conspiracy.
  • oeb11
  • 07-14-2020, 08:10 AM
Schiff, Nadler, Pelosi et al - are truly the modern version of Joe McCarthy!
You trump huggers are way to funny and amusing trying to defend the swamp in chief. Enjoy your red racist ignorant Putin supporters on the titanic. Real Americans are not that stupid again
  • oeb11
  • 07-14-2020, 02:47 PM
Elitist name-caller with nothing to offer on issues
rexdutchman's Avatar
^^ sad really ( to much Cnnnn )which is a arm of ccp/pla