A session is about a man's physical needs combined with a certain "type", right?

Miss Valentina's Avatar
As long as she doesn't have a dick.
I'm good. Originally Posted by knotty man
knotty man's Avatar
You have no idea the depth of my depravity.
I've eaten pussy the could knock a buzzard off a shitwagon from 50 feet
Miss Valentina's Avatar
Well I'll be goddamned.
Well I'll be goddamned. Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
LIAR! Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
Just who is this love goddess?
knotty man's Avatar
She's a sexy sassy and always classy lady.
I keep it light and silly.
If you try to match wits with her. She'll eat you with farvor beans and a nice Chianti.
She's a sexy sassy and always classy lady.
I keep it light and silly.
If you try to match wits with her. She'll eat you with farvor beans and a nice Chianti. Originally Posted by knotty man
I agree she's classy. ThatS easy to tell. But I would still tell her shhhh not while men are talking!
Miss Valentina's Avatar
I mean, I'm one of the biggest dicks on the board, just ask Knotty. DOES THAT NOT COUNT!!!!????

I can see Valentina has bigger balls than most of the men here! I like em a little sassy.