Breitbart News broke a story last week about admissions standards at UT being ignored; politically connected movers and shakers getting special treatment in the admissions process to the flagship campus in Austin. Apparently, their underqualified sons and daughters needed help and got it from UTA President Bill Powers.

Those allegations have been at the center of an unprecedented impeachment effort -- with lawmakers trying to silence the regent who first brought the problems to light. UT Regent Wallace Hall, an appointee of Gov. Rick Perry, has been under fire from Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, Speaker Straus and other lawmakers friendly with Powers. They are upset that he has been conducting an investigation into legislative clout being used to sway the admissions process and other issues with UT's governance.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The universities have always had liberal leanings. My nephew's girlfriend goes to this university. She's going to be a doctor in a couple of years.
BigLouie's Avatar
Breitbart News broke a story last week about admissions standards at UT being ignored; politically connected movers and shakers getting special treatment in the admissions process to the flagship campus in Austin. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
This is hardly a story. It had been going on since the university opened. And hey how come when I talk about a story posted on your beloved Breitbart you act as if you never read the page
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I thought that this topic was going to be about the firing of UT's President, which I read a letter about this weekend suggesting that he refused to resign and they're going to let him stay.

Thought it was an odd type of response to someone in a job and the powers that be wishing for him to step down.

Wonder if there is a correlation to this story? Admittedly, I just quickly browsed both.
BigLouie's Avatar
UT has a sweetheart deal called the Perminate University Fund. Google that topic.
You never post a link.....and it is a new story.

As EW mentioned, Powers was given an ultimatum, step down or be fired. And GOP heavyweights are retaliating......impeaching a UT Regent....Dewhurst is leading the charge to protect Powers...

Did you not read the article ?

This is hardly a story. It had been going on since the university opened. And hey how come when I talk about a story posted on your beloved Breitbart you act as if you never read the page Originally Posted by BigLouie
Again... A Big Louie post with no I will do it for you...

UT has a sweetheart deal called the Perminate University Fund. Google that topic. Originally Posted by BigLouie
BigLouie's Avatar
Well you know the old story. Give a man a link and he reads something have him use Google and go find it himself you teach him well nothing in your casev
The universities have always had liberal leanings. My nephew's girlfriend goes to this university. She's going to be a doctor in a couple of years. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Because of liberals like you teaching?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is very much an old story and, of course, you're reporting it in the most partisan possible manner.

What's at the root of it? It's about Rick Perry trying to manhandle the Board of Regents and administration at the University, most notably, the president of the school.

Perry tried the same shit with Texas A&M, his alma mater, but the system Chancellor, John Sharp, told him to go fuck himself.

Instead, Perry's stooge, Wallace Hall, has made requests for more than 800,000 records, through the state's open records law, and through his (Perry's) allies, are running smear campaigns against those who oppose him... like the one so brilliantly swallowed by our OP, in ALL CAPS OF COURSE! SCANDAL! SCANDAL! SCANDAL! The scandal is Hall's behavior and targeting of Perry's political adversaries.

Jeez, Whirlyturd. Pay attention and get in on the beginning of the fucking conversation. You figure that Breitbart broke this story? It's been going on for a couple of years now.

Oh, and the author of the story on Breitbart -- that bastion of journalistic ethics -- is one of Texas' most notorious RWW jagoffs, lobbyist/activist Michael Quinn Sullivan, who himself was hauled in before the Texas Ethics Commission for failing to register as a lobbyist. What a tool!

I love are standing side by side with Texas's top GOP leaders........people like Dewhurst and KB Hutchinson.....

Figures a left wingtard will stand up for corruption and cronyism........

This is very much an old story and, of course, you're reporting it in the most partisan possible manner.

What's at the root of it? It's about Rick Perry trying to manhandle the Board of Regents and administration at the University, most notably, the president of the school.

Perry tried the same shit with Texas A&M, his alma mater, but the system Chancellor, John Sharp, told him to go fuck himself.

Instead, Perry's stooge, Wallace Hall, has made requests for more than 800,000 records, through the state's open records law, and through his (Perry's) allies, are running smear campaigns against those who oppose him... like the one so brilliantly swallowed by our OP, in ALL CAPS OF COURSE! SCANDAL! SCANDAL! SCANDAL! The scandal is Hall's behavior and targeting of Perry's political adversaries.

Jeez, Whirlyturd. Pay attention and get in on the beginning of the fucking conversation. You figure that Breitbart broke this story? It's been going on for a couple of years now.

Oh, and the author of the story on Breitbart -- that bastion of journalistic ethics -- is one of Texas' most notorious RWW jagoffs, lobbyist/activist Michael Quinn Sullivan, who himself was hauled in before the Texas Ethics Commission for failing to register as a lobbyist. What a tool!

Dipshit! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Breitbart News broke a story last week about admissions standards at UT being ignored; politically connected movers and shakers getting special treatment in the admissions process to the flagship campus in Austin..............They are upset that he has been conducting an investigation into legislative clout being used to sway the admissions process and other issues with UT's governance. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Did you also complain when "politically connected movers and shakers" from Texas afforded "special treatment" (during the late 1960's) that effectively kept the son of a (Republican) member of the US Congress from being drafted and possibly sent to Vietnam?

I suppose that was just the cost of doing "bidness," wasn't it Trendy?
BigLouie's Avatar
You never post a link.....and it is a new story. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
New story? Hardly, shit like that been going on for years. Just ask Bush.
I heard Teddy Kennedy was admitted this fall to UT Law School. I tip my mug to you sir!
I heard Teddy Kennedy was admitted this fall to UT Law School. Originally Posted by gnadfly

Or as Trendy would say "STFU."