Dallas Sisters go porn

Anyone know these sisters. Cayden & Crista Moore. They say they are ex strippers from Dallas that turned porn stars.

Holy Cannoli's Avatar
I have no idea who they are, but my guess is that they are not real sisters...
They suck at volleyball.
DewarsMan's Avatar
LOL, thanks BJ
actually i do, yes they are real sisters
I thought the roomate was way cuter. Those boobs wow!
I am thinking they are sisters... They have the same body types, especially their hips, or lack thereof... Good on them for making the transition. Hanging out in Malibu and getting paid to fuck is not a bad way to go, at all. Live it up kids. They do have the ' look ' and should get a fare share of business. Then they could parlay that into touring for hobbyists ! As long as they keep their rates based in reality, and their spending habits under control, they could have a life many dream of.
actually i do, yes they are real sisters Originally Posted by Heavyroller
So who are they?
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
ill go look for them when i get to LA lol
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
i like that you can pull there lips around your ears
pmdelites's Avatar
They suck at volleyball. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ
that's for sure. and, imo, they didnt suck his cock so well - less than halfway down!! guess they never signed up for your training sessions, BJ :^)

but good at the porn star moaning, ooohing, and "yesssss".
pyramider's Avatar
They suck at volleyball. Originally Posted by Infamous BJ

Are we paying attention to the wrong details?
LazurusLong's Avatar
I wonder how nik at www.thedirty.com has missed on these 2. His site seems to have quite a bit of news on various local escorts and pornstars from Dallas.
I thought the roomate was way cuter. Those boobs wow! Originally Posted by Tara Evans
Hannah Hilton FTW!