Sure the current unemployment numbers are better than the numbers reported 49 years ago for 1970. But if you consider those unemployment figures in the context of their respective times, today is much better.
Today we have low inflation, low interest rates, a small volunteer military and not much fighting. During the early 1970s, we had high inflation, high interest rates, and high gas prices. We also had a large military made up of teen agers conscripted right out of high school which kept them out of the job market.
No wonder unemployment was so low in 1970. Every high school graduate had been SKIMMED OUT OF THE LABOR FORCE AND INTO THE ARMY (or in Canada). Total armed forces at that time was well over 3 million. With the Viet Nam War essentially over for the Us by 1974, everyone who was not career military came home. No one could find work. By 1974 there was a recession with high unemployment.
That is how the current unemployment figures are better than back in 1970; we truely have full employment today.