Redneck Computer Terms

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Redneck Computer Terms
Hard drive - Trying to climb a steep, muddy hill with 3 flat tires and pulling a trailer load of fertilizer.

Keyboard - Place to hang your truck keys.

Window - Place in the truck to hang your guns.

Modem - How you got rid of your dandelions. Usage: "We gonna modem dandelions"

ROM - Liquor often mixed with Coke

Byte - Beginning of an insult, often followed by the word "me" or "this"

Cursor - The person doing the cursing. What some guys do when they are mad at their wife and/or girlfriend.

Tab - What you owe the bartender

Shift - How you get to a different gear.

RAM - Great truck

Edit - Past tense of "eat" "Wher'd that leftover possum belly go?" " You edit afore you passed out las nite.

Internet - Where her fish were when she caught em ( In er net).

Fonts - That really cool guy from the show, Happy Days.

Laptop - Where the stripper sits.

Redneck Computer Safety
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10. Your home has more miles on it than your car.

09. Your favoirte T-shirt is illegal in thirteen states.

08. You've been involved in a custody fight over a hunting dog.

07. Your mamma has "ammo" on her christmas list.

06. You have more than one living relative named after a Southern Civil War general.

05. You have your picture taken with other people's fish.

04. You have a special baseball cap for formal occasions.

03. You order teeth from a catalogue.

02. Your wife keeps a spit cup on the ironing board.

01. Your family tree doesn't fork.

Enjoy yourself.

Stay safe.

Be cool.
