Further clarification of Hillary’s Remarks

Sickpuppy's Avatar
We can’t blame her, she was just thinking of all of Bill’s less than private escapades. Bill was personally spreading the wealth with women for years without technically “employing” them since it was all off the books. That’s her only experience with the private sector, so forgive her for her warped view – it’s simple Clintonomics. Like he said in the oval office when he was handed the latest abortion bill “I don’t need to see it, just pay it”.
Fuck that lying ass bitch.
The right obsesses about Hillary as much as the left does Sara.
The right obsesses about Hillary as much as the left does Sara. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
eeeh buhrrr... fop fop fop... http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...3&postcount=28
eeeh buhrrr... fop fop fop... http://www.eccie.net/showpost.php?p=...3&postcount=28 Originally Posted by IIFFOFRDB
Guess you are the exception you beat off with both of their pics. Weird ..
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
The right obsesses about Hillary as much as the left does Sara. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Hillary really has done all the things we criticize her for. Big difference.
LexusLover's Avatar
Hillary really has done all the things we criticize her for. Big difference. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And more!

When was the last time Sara dodged sniper fire on a tarmac?
LexusLover's Avatar
Not to mention the splendid job she did while sucking off the government tit as SOS.

Just look at the World Map. Tranquility and Love for the U.S. prevails!!!!!

Her work was done, and it was time for her to depart.

A double quitter....she quit the Senate.
deeeerp. How do empty this piss out of my boot? Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Please submit your Obamacare co-pay at the front desk.
Hillary really has done all the things we criticize her for. Big difference. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
And more!

When was the last time Sara dodged sniper fire on a tarmac? Originally Posted by LexusLover
Thanks for proving my point guys..
I submitted my Obamacare co-pay at the front desk. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Hillary really means it. Without the government, guys like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and H.L. Hunt wouldn't be shit, and certainly wouldn't have created any jobs. The economy of the United States is solely made possible by benevolent government actions and directions.
Cuba and North Korea only fail because their government does a shitty job compared to the US government. They have the right idea, and similiar to Hillary, disdain private enterprise.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I have no obsession with Hillary but am concerned about a professional politician that really does not understand the reality of business. The delusional thought that the government can create jobs without first taking money from those with jobs that were created by business is scary. The government has no money without taxes from those that created the jobs generally through commerce.

The really sad part is that she actually believes that all of the money that the government spends belongs to the government and not the taxpayers that fund it. This isn't just a problem with the left but also with the right.

Everything that government has done is only done because there are or were taxpayers that earned their money via some sort of business. The real facts are that taxpayers are still paying for the rods and bridges and airports and everything because businesses were built in spite of the government. So when Hillary of Obama state that "you did not build that", yes we did and we are still paying for it.