These encounter reports never contain much useful information

Don't just fill out the form data, that gives only basic info. Type a paragraph or two going into details of what was done, and how well. Especially blowjobs, I'm looking for an amp that will give me a great one.
Now that's funny !!
eyecu2's Avatar
Well why dont you write a review and tell us where you have been. Are you da PoPo?
Don't just fill out the form data, that gives only basic info. Type a paragraph or two going into details of what was done, and how well. Especially blowjobs, I'm looking for an amp that will give me a great one. Originally Posted by housekeydoor
Who the fuck are you?
You got her like yesterday have no contributions to this forum and are going to tell us how to write a review?
I'm sure that with a few yoga classes you will be able to give yourself the blowjob that you demand!
Now go fuck yourself!
Damn anybody else smell bacon?
  • Dlh
  • 09-05-2019, 10:18 PM
Give me your $ and ill try a few places this week for you... ill report back in great detail when im done
Give me your address. I will handwrite one in cursive and mail it!
eyecu2's Avatar
Download the Grinder app, click your home button 4 times and you’ll unlock all the nitty gritty details you want.
bolaman1975's Avatar

I don't know what a blowjob is please elaborate.
No, I'm not the cops. But how am I supposed to go to a good place without wasting my time and money going through 5 bad places first, otherwise?

And someone publish a list of what all the acronyms mean, or link to them if they are on this site.

If and when I do go to an amp, I will post the review here, and I will write a detailed paragraph to go along with it, to demonstrate how it should be done.

But due to certain situations in my life, it'll be a couple months before I can do this.

I don't think any cops care about coming on here and busting someone for getting their nuts tickled, they only do it when their boss wants to look good to his/her boss, so a sting is set up. That's my guess.

EDIT - here is what I'm talking about, I was in another forum here and someone wrote a report like what I thought I'd see more of.
eyecu2's Avatar
Dude..if u want that, just search for a spa that begins w a K and rhymes with Toyota. But they will likely throw you out.... You dont know any acronyms and those are found by search too. You're either super lazy, super young, super old, or da PoPo. But until you offer up a review of even a trip to Borics where a BBW squashed her fat ass and tits against you - nobody is gonna help you be a creepy skulker. Seriously- search is your best friend here....and you should also look up ROS. Ciao
"Fat, dumb, and stupid is no way to go through life son." - Dean Wormer, Faber College