Anonymous hotel

Can you get a room at a hotel anonymously?

I assume most take cash? But do all require ID?

If so, are there any alternatives? I was thinking about parking somewhere, but that has its own set of risks.
All require id by law. All Will take cash. Many will require a cc to cover any incidental charges. If possible, have her get it in her name, even if you pay.
Superlark's Avatar
Yes, there are some fucking shitty motels do that. I'm sure guys who live there for a long time know about these places but do not like to talk.
Every hotel I have stayed at required an ID.
Can you get a room at a hotel anonymously?

I assume most take cash? But do all require ID?

If so, are there any alternatives? I was thinking about parking somewhere, but that has its own set of risks. Originally Posted by neighbordude
Sure, It will be a shit-hole that smells like a monkey cage with snider block walls.

Great mood enhancer.

Not that I have any first hand knowledge or anything. ;-)

Oh yeah, don't mind all those holes in walls. I'm sure no one is looking.