P411 discount ?

Okay this may be a dumb question and I hope it's in the right forum. Okay say you book a provider through p411 and there rate is $500. Then below the rate it has $100 p411 pre boooking discount. Would one have to discuss this with the provider? Or just leave $400 donation? I hate discussing money.
You are correct with the math. Usually they like it if you book through p411. However, when I was a P411 member, At times I would just mention it to them to get the rate. Assume that if you are not a p411 member that the discount does not apply. Hope that helps.
As I recall, if you use the P411 appointment request it includes the ladie's stated hourly rate (including any advertised discounts) in the request email that is sent to her. That should be enough. If she doesn't honor that rate, contact Gina at P411. She takes that type of behavior very seriously and the appointment request form serves as confirmation that you jumped through the correct hoops to secure that rate...
HoustonRiley's Avatar
Yes you would have to be a P411 member for that discounted rate to apply.
WinterNicole's Avatar
I offer a P411 discount to those who book with P411. I, like you, hate to discuss money so I would just prefer they leave the adjusted amount. If you wanted to verify the amount with me I would of course. I don't see any problem with just leaving the 400 or however much without any discussion.
^^Yes. If you have gone through the proper steps and channels, there should be no need to discuss the adjusted rate.
cabletex7's Avatar
If $100 is the difference between seeing her or not seeing her, I would assume nothing. You don't have to bring up the rate with her but just have her confirm that the pre-booking discount quoted in p411 is accurate and current when setting up the appointment.
tia travels's Avatar
At the time of scheduling...I would just say either "This is considered a pre-booking, right?" (and get her to confirm) or "Just to doublecheck, this is for the pre-booking discount, correct?" or "I'm letting you know, this is for the pre-booking discont."

You're not mentioning the dollar amounts but only asking about the discount, so I (personally) wouldn't take offense or be freaked out about it.

If she won't answer it but you meet and she doesn't honor it---do as another has suggested and tell Gina. You have your copy of the PM as proof that you scheduled in advance and were doing so mainly for the discount.

If you decide to not take that route of asking her in advance, then I would take a screenshot of her page where she offers the discount...so if you need to complain to Gina, (and if the provider just happened to remove the discount message on her profile after your meeting), you will have proof it was there.
Guest100918's Avatar
I was going to offer p411 discount. They denied my application because I want to stay UTR and low volume. Oh well.