Additional info

Hello staff, this maybe a old topic but i think its a good one and i maybe asking the wrong people, and if so please direct me to the correct ones. My question is about the location of providers in this North and East Texas section. Please don't think I'm complaining i enjoy the site and its conveniences and many, many uses but is there a way to add a location line for providers in the weekly/weekend updates and any other area they may update their locations? Reason i ask is this section of the site is a large area that is covered here in Texas and im not asking for it to be seperated or cut up even more just add a line that says im in beaumont, im in tyler, im in ..... I know everything costs or takes time and resources which is why i suggest this as it seems, in my nonprogram writting brain, to be easier and cheaper than dividing and adding a whole new section. I just have noticed that providers are updating they are in the area but not giving the area and tyler is 4 hours from beaumont and not within my range and vice versa for tyler people maybe. I also get that a provider may want you to research them and ask them to travel to you or you to them but me personally would like to know that before i start the research process. I maybe the only one wanting this kind of info and it may not bother others as much and i respect that and am ok with no, but i would like to ask and at least throw my opinion in the ring. I do apologize for this posts length but i felt it necessary to convey my thoughts. Thank you respectfully,
Good suggestion!!
I’ve always wondered the same thing. It’s hard to pin point where the providers really are. I sometimes have to go to search and type in the town and just hope some one updates a good review or hope the girl puts out a ad. I’m from longview and do not mind travel to the right person but it’s not that accurate if it’s bring up providers in the DFW area. Other sites classified Tyler and longview together and the smaller towns fall into that category. I feel like east Texas should have its own area. Maybe there is a reason behind this. I just feel like a lot of providers get over looked and it becomes difficult to find out where they really are. I’m all ears and I think a lot of others are too.
I have overlooked several providers due to not knowing their location as well